Dragon soul 10 man loot drop need to be increase

In 10 man DS boses drop 1 token and 1 item, pls increase amount to 2 items 1 token. It’s unreal to gear when boss drop 1 item.


Firelands 10 man mode drop 2 items 1 token!
Now in DS 10 mode it 1 item 1 token!
I think its bug!

To be fair you have your 4 set instantly from vendor at 384 itlv so that 13 itlv on those items doesnt matter much

Same liek you getvyour most bis trinkets and weapons

Appreciate your good comment but it really matters, especially talking about 410ilvl heroic items. As +26 ilvl gives a good benefit in stats. It matters as all expansions including Cataclysm are twice shorter than when they were actual. Original Cataclysm last 658 days and the Cataslysm Classic will take about 1 year (365 days) only, as Pandaria is announced for the end of Summer 2025. As you can see, we have shorter time for the same progress to be achieved. Thus, the above proposition for 2 items drop plus 1 token from each boss is absolutely reasonable.

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Tbf i’m not sure if it’s bug or intentional, cuz 25 also gets 2 tokens instead of 3 that we were recieving in firelands, but yeah would prefer if we went back to at least firelands loot amounts for both

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For real, 25 man only gets 2 tokens? lol

Totally agree. Spending hours to kill a boss to get two items from it. Feels unrewarding to raid.

you will eventually get that DS 30 % nerf. so no gear doesnt matter because eventually everyone will faceroll it just like almsot everyone was 11/12 hc by the end of wolk classic.

yeah - here is your problem - you shoudl be 1 shoting them .

Last week we ran FL again to finish the last legendary staff. Caster ring dropped from Shannox, and basically everyone rolled since we only saw 1 ring during FL phase. So yeah, if the drops are gonna be even more scarce in DS, it should get increased. Also when keeping faster content cadence in mind.

An idea could be a chance to gain an additional boss drop, a bit like the coin(s) in MoP.