Dragonblight Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Dragonblight in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Hello there :slight_smile:

My warlocks name back then was Empic(UD Warlock) Mainly did PvP. I cant remember what guild I was in, maybe Dark Sun as a friend of the guild. I dont want to reconnect with anyone specific, it could just be fun to see someone from back then again in wow :slight_smile:



Classic player from 2004 played until WOTLK on Dragonblight.

My name was Warslayerz.

I played in CORE and XSS.

I was 13 years old kid at the time and the grown men in them guilds bullied me, used me then eventually kicked me to the curb because I was young with a high pitch voice as I hadn’t hit puberty.

I’m now a grown a$$ man 6ft 2 and built like a brick sh1t house with balls of steel if any of them want it now come get it old boys.

Looking specifically for Darksage, Hordeboss and Enter.

I’m now playing on Mograine Server on the Horde side under the name Wtfrichard an Undead priest.

HMU on my btag wtfrichard#2866

Many thanks,



Used to play on Dragonblight from July 2005 up until early BC and then went back some time during BC again after a short period of time on Anachronos.

I mostly played my shaman named Zagmar in the guilds CORE and later on The Damned Ones, would be cool to catch up with anyone that I’ve played with previously, no specific names mentioned.


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Hey :slight_smile: Dark Sun too - Xioshen/Mageweaver


So close! Entex from XSS here. Sup bro. Frost Mage, if you remember ?

Rings a bell :slight_smile: I raided with the guild in wrath. :slight_smile: I think with my DK Soku at the time.

What realm will people from dragonblight select?

Also from Dark Sun. Prior to that Wellybob Monster Mooers. Mains Kragzac (UD Warlock), Gimrog (Orc Shaman) and Tarren (Tauren Warrior).

Bigyikers and Severence I just about remember your toons :slight_smile:

I agree let’s decide on a realm - would be good to kick start a guild again.!

Have you chosen a Classic realm yet? Can I suggest Pyrewood Willage (Normal)?

Morga here :slight_smile:

Played 7 years ago and coming back for Classic.

Guilds were XSS (originally), Avoid Fate, The Khalasar and Control

Mostly PVP

Hi Halirota here.

I was playing a tauren druid female, my real name is Kristyn on Dragonblight with XSS

Hi :slight_smile:

My first character on Dragonblight was a tauren shaman named «Deagel». (Yes, Deagle mispelled, I was 11-12 years old). My first guild back then was the legendary «Tauren World Order», and I remember the legendary Uldaman run (we gathered 5+ full groups of taurens only and ran Uldaman.) Thebigmoo, if you’re out there, thanks for being so helpful! Same goes to you Raeveth.
Oh, and Zreldi (UD lock), we leveled together in Searing Gorge, where did you go? :open_mouth:
I also was in Minions of Sylvanas, but I got raid kicked because I thought it would be amusing to jump down on Golemagg.
Also Brokentusk, you were a hero of mine for saving me from Sasha and the other gankers when I was leveling in The Barrens. Oh, and Rikutaru (UD rogue) for borrowing me money for my 40 mount.

Oh, and Golgoth, I still remember those Kilt of Elements :joy:

Later on in vanilla, I played a undead warlock named Nightsight (Rab, you were awesome to PvP/level with in Un’goro), and raided a bit in CORE. Also had some fun faction collusion with Ace (night elf druid), and PvP.
There wasnt too many who gave problems in PvP, but Audrey (pink haired gnome warrior), you were a pain.

I recognize a lot of names in this thread :slight_smile:, I’ll be playing on Firemaw PvP on horde side, rogue named Grin and lock named Night. Feel free to hit me up!

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Pyriah - Undead Mage
Great fun in PVP premades, got to rank 10. Names I remember are Frostwhisper, Darkcleric, Tetzo, Telic, damn wish I could remember more. When they changed talent tree system I gave up cos no more TOEP-ZHC-AP-POM-Pyro. Grinding for Ironbark staff was epic.

Remembered some more from back in the day - Wolfbane, Firedemon, Brokentusk, Goretusk, Desaan

I remeber you as Nightsight.

Cool! Was your name Alinass?

Didnt you play a shaman? Idk your name rings a bell, but I was also in The Khalasar for a moment and Control.

Oh, Hey!!

I’m playing on Flamelash, Horde and the name is Cowpunch if you wanna swing by :slight_smile:

Hi guys,

Just found this thread.
Kypton - Undead Mage.

Some of you might remember me mainly doing pvp, warsong gulch in particular! I had many amazing moments causing havoc with my fellow buddies Wolfbane and Firedemon! Also remember doing a lot of premades vs the alliance including sasha, elvenbow, raasp, lilstab etc. Mainly my horde buddies were Telic, Wolfbane, Firedemon, EvilMojo, Brokentusk etc.

I stopped playing shortly after burning crusade but have recently returned since hearing about classic wow and really enjoying the experience once again!