Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - 5 June

Single target buff to survival, no aoe change, still gonna be using season 3 tier set in dungeons
But yes I’m sure blizzard is listening to players!
Blood DK not addressed either… They’re using S3+S4 2/2 set and only go S4 4set for marginal DPS gain with massive survival loss! Give us free butchery charge with no cost. Also, warrior changes? Warrior (fury especially) is middle of the pack when played by the best players WITH legendary… Hardly a legendary now is it? The fury warrior discord has given up on hope for this season and just copes for next expansion not to forget us like this one has


Mana burn? I use gate and spam fear aswell and mana has never been issue for any of my locks in retail nor is this in anyway an issue or should be an priority. People have valid point to be confused of this. This changes nothing.

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Soulburn*, mb.

Eh. I get it. I played very little of my warlock this expansion but I got OOM twice in arena.

The PvP changes are also somewhat okay for once. It’s an OK patch. Solid 5/10.

Even with that and flash of Light buff.
Its a bad design.
Holy pala mastery in Pvp must get rework.
In arena as a healer your job is to hug a pilar and stay away from the enemy dps and not face tank them because your mastery.

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I don’t get this tuning. Which gameplay data are they using? Where are the nerfs for the S+++ specs in m+?

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Changing mana costs of retail casters is very minor change and affects the gameplay of them in noway. Retail where mana isnt an issue to any but healers. Wasting tuning patch to announce changing warlock fears mana cost 1% or gates mana cost 10% which is a long cd even with pvp talent, its all waste of effort and could been used on something else. We see bigger changes on sod and classics on short invervals while retail gets nothing and then when it does it gets trolled with something like this. Hopefully its clear why its nonsensical changes if it changes nothing in the gameplay or where never the issue in the first place.


Now that I think of it you played affli right, on my affli I also oom for few seconds if I use drain life alot. Spamming fear or gate with its long cd will never affect any of my locks mana but spamming drain life essentially does yet I dont see it as an issue worth patch either. Affli can oom if it spam alot drain life but its not the fear or gate then which ooms it, and if use drain life only to gain health and not as constant then it wont oom, it isnt fear or gate that are issues so the changes are confusing and feel like waste like people said. :thinking:

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No pvp healer nerfs? Looking at you mainly, immortal disc priests.


Nice joke or i assume your warrior developer is on vacation since bfa


where are those meta nerfs? blizzard are you playing your own game? there are 4 classes thats 100% broken and you reduce mana costs of warlock? WTF… sorry forgot you are a indie company


This is a joke, right?

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This is ~2% buff to overall healing. This is worse than not doing a patch at all.

The enhancement buff is nice for M+, but it doesn’t address the core issue that the biggest hindrance on performance in terms of raw numbers is the fact that we’re harshly capped at six targets where other classes aren’t.


laughs in fury warrior
Jokes aside if i’m 5 target capped i should be best dps on 5 target , not a destro lock

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I allways found it funny when people on the forum moan about Blizzard not doing anything and WHEN they do, the same people whine about Blizzard not doing exactly what THEY wanted to be done. Hillarious.

Useless changes for Survival. It’s still bugged in PvP, where it only costs 5 less Focus. Maybe they will “patch” the bug to make it cost 10 less now.

Along with removing extended melee range you really killed this spec.

When will be seeing fixes for the guild bugs that were implemented when 10.2.7 got released ? Seen loads of fixes for bugs for SoD, Classic and Remix.

It’s insane how out of touch you guys are.Meta comp team has dominated 3 out of 4 SEASONS not season mind you SEASONS of an expansion, and you’re still just watching idly. Yes, giving shamans a brimming buff will definitely include them in the M+ rotation. I mean, how are you guys are still getting paid ?


What a joke this is…

What do you see in your gameplay data regarding VDH stomping every other tanks? Seriously, it seems insane that you are leaving this out of the discussion when we see this being rampant and nowhere corrected…

Ah sure, you patch the “fun” out of remix every 3 days, but working on class balance in your main game is not an emergency? How out of touch are you?


Most likely all devs playing Demon Hunters themselves.
The difference between tanking as a warrior and tanking on literally any other class is day and night…
Did the awakened Amiirdrasil raid, and Paladin tank can safely ignore the majority of mechanics, tank stacks till the next phase and what not.
I’m asked to taunt and take a blow, and get almost one-shotted in the process.

AAA Class Design.