All I can say is that I am so glad I’m not mazed enough to want to play Dragonflight. The DK trees have so many glaring problems and considering Blizzard’s track record with player feedback these talents are more than likely finalized. All I can say is thank God for WotLK.
You guys have fun in DF lol.
The biggest issue is how many of our baseline abilities are still baked into the tree. Don’t get me wrong, the new talent tree is in the right direction, but many of the abilities should instead just be improved, instead of just flat gain.
Having our existing baseline abilities as choices in the tree isn’t really an issue… if they were genuine choices.
I like the idea of the “build your own spec” approach where you can choose how much to focus on various aspects - e.g. Disease or Minions in Unholy - But with the current state of the DK trees this isnt what you get. I know there are updates coming (supposedly) but we’re very much in the situation of “here are all the abilities/talents/spells you had in Shadowlands, we’ve drawn some lines between them” so you’ve still got to take everything you have now and then it’s just going to come down to whether Gargoyle or Unholy Frenzy is the higher DPS choice. So no choice at all really.
Really the talent trees need to be asking us questions like “what do you want as you main Festering Wounds spender? Scourge Strike, Clawing Shadows or Plague Strike?”, “do you want more diseases or more pets?” and not “What order do you want to take your mandatory abilities in?”
I think a lot of people has asked for this for a long time, changing up the spec to play differently to “Apply Combo Points, spend combo points”. Maybe a talent that changed the Festering Wounds to Necrotic Plague that existed back in WoD? It should be like the difference between playing Obliteration vs BoS on frost.
I personally don’t have an issue with the “Apply Combo Points, spend combo points” - beyond the fact they’re target specific rather than Death Knight specific. But what spending those “combo points” does - so your spenders and their effects are what you’re choosing rather than being force fed the ones you get.
This is exactly the kind of build options that should be available in the talent trees. The basic mechanics are the same, but how they play out depends on your talent choices.
I have been having a play around at alternatives to the new talent trees - just for fun. And for example in what I’ve come up with (so far), festering wounds on the target are gone and replaced with unholy blight stacks on the DK (work like festering wounds), but you get a choice as to what this blight does when released - If you want a pet orientated build take Scourge Strike and Apocolypse as your spenders. Want to be more diseases focused? take Plague Strike (smaller base damage than scourge strike, but bonus damage per disease) and Black Plague - turns your blight into diseases on the target in effect massively increases Plague Strike damage to that target so your rotation then changes to getting as many Plague Strikes in as possible and seeing some juicy big (ish, dont want to be too op) numbers
Hello been a while since this thread was updated but given the changes to Blood DK i have to say that im extremely happy with their decision about dancing rune weapon playstyle. I mean cmon it would still be way too powerful for other class, let aside other builds for BDK. So first of all i like the fact that we can have that change they made along with 2 talent capstones. There are very interesting builds with vampiric blood or bonestorm and i hope balance will be even better in this expansion
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