Dragonflight Dungeon Gear Drops

I really liked the leveling, zones, RP and Dragon flying etc in Dragonflight but im not enjoying these dungeons. I just want be done with them tbh but the gear drop rates are so low that this pain is going to go on on and on.

1-2 pieces of loot per boss seems fine to me tbh :confused:

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i think the drop rates are even lower than SL… Did 5 hcs today got 1 piece of loot that i didnt need and 1 matrix lvl 3.

Yeah these droprates are too funny. One run a 2h weapon with avoidance but next run 0 loot from all bosses except 1x primal chaos from last boss. I think it’s similar to how raid drops work but now for dungeons too.

No, dungeon drops havent been touched…

All of my guildmates got around 10 loot pieces from our M0 tour. Seems fine to me.

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