Dragonflight Enchanting (as of 10.0.7)

Thoughts on Dragonflight enchanting

I set myself the goal of getting every profession point in enchanting and reached that goal about a week ago, so I thought I would voice some opinions about the profession in Dragonflight.

First of all, almost every single enchant I made was done onto a vellum. Technically you can skip the vellum if you are crafting an enchant with a guaranteed result and not selling it in the auction house, but that is a very rare case. I think with Dragonflight, enchanting should have been revised so that all enchants are created items and never applied directly on items. Doing that would add a lot more potential for crafting orders for enchanting.

Second (and this goes for many other professions), racial bonuses for enchanting are too strong and make it practically impossible for most players to profit from enchanting. Let’s take Draconic Inspiration for example (it’s close to a worst case, but the same principle applies to a lot of other enchants):

  • The enchant materials cost 1700g at the moment.
  • I can get to 387/400 as a human, which leaves a deficit of 13 skill points.
  • 5% of 400 is 20, so I have a (20-13)/20 = 35% chance to get Q3 without inspiration.
  • I have 36% inspiration
  • Chance to get Q3 = 35% + (65% * 36%) = 58.4%
  • Q2 enchant sells for 90g. Q3 enchant sells for 2850g
  • Assuming resourcefulness about covers AH cut, the expected value of a 1700g enchant is 2850g * 58.4% + 90g * 31.6% = 1692g

Of course I could use an illustrious insight to get 100% on Q3, but that’s for a 1000g value per insight, which is not enough.

For a blood elf, I think they get to 397/400, so they a roughly 90% chance to craft a Q3 and that’s how the enchant is profitable at the current AH price.

I think racial profession bonuses should be changed like this:

  • They allow you to craft a recipe of higher skill and still get skill points (easier skilling up).
  • You get a one-time quest to get profession points as a head start.
  • The racial points should not contribute to overall skill when crafting Dragonflight items.

That’s enough on the racials, I think.

I liked the way the different trees in enchanting supported each other. Even after I had completed the branches that I was most interested in, there was still plenty of motivation to fill up the other trees to gain skill points. The real surprise was primal extraction and how important it is. The tooltips really don’t make it look useful and it’s probably intended. I think in terms of feeling rewarded for spending points, enchanting feels a lot better than tailoring.

Disenchanting feels very random, but I mostly DE iLevel 379 epics and I guess they are “borderline bllues”, so the results are a bit hit and miss. With the recent bump up in prices, I have no doubt it still makes sense to DE epics (I vendor all greens and blues). If you don’t DE a lot, getting 30g worth of materials from a 160g vendor value weapon will feel bad. When you DE a lot, you’ll get the occasional 1500g value, so it does even out.

Minor complaint: the UI will still nag you to spend profession points every time you log in even if you have all trees 100% filled out. There’s also no achievement or reward for completing all trees. That’s just disappointing TBH.

Several enchants (like Sophic Devotion) dont have materials that could push the skill up, forcing you to the RNG unless you have insights, which is why enchants are still relatively expensive (and were VERY expensive at thr beginning of the expansion), which brings us to my complaint about professions and qualityin general: If I’m fully specalized and wearing the best crafting gear, why am I still at the mercy of rng at the end?
Enchatning and Alchemy (Transmutation) will increase in popularity in 10.1 at least due to the new stuff they can make.

I think making Sophic Devotion at Q3 is a valid use of Illustrious Insight, but I know some people disagree. The issue is that with the racial, you can potentially make a profit at the AH without insight whereas without it, you can’t. If the racial benefit was removed, the price of Q3 might go up, but supply of Q2 might also go down and it’s price would be closer to the material cost and thus make it less expensive as a profession point skill-up.

Something like the tailoring fishing hat would be quite beneficial to enchanting. It’s possible that the intent was for players to skill up by making wand craft orders for others, but I after making my own wand, I have yet to make another one. The wand is great for skilling up, but it is still expensive and requires a spark of ingenuity.

The primal illusions can also take you to 100, but they are utterly useless and do not sell well.

Although I haven’t doubled checked, Blood Elves only get a +5 bonus, so would be 392.

However, I don’t think racials are the problem when it comes to profitability.

The problem stems from the Region-wide AH. Remove Racials, and you will still have the guy on some random server with an Alt army crafting 24/7, selling his Consumables at 5g profit.

The only way to can really counteract this is by buying Materials when they’re cheap (like 2 weeks ago), and selling the crafts when they’re in demand (like in 3 weeks time).

Yes, they don’t really explain what the Trees do very well. Even in the 10.0.7 UI updates it’s still not that much clearer.

Well, I kind of feel I have finished my enchanting now, even though I still have 210 to complete everything (I have 65 KP in the bank).

Basically I have everything that is worth while having. If it were not for the Region-wide AH and lack of profitability I might fill out the Material Manipulation trees. For the Invest : Return of crafting those items, and selling them, I would rather just focus on the more in demand and faster selling Weapon Enchants.

Tailoring on the other hand, with 158 points left to complete, still feels like I’m making some progress with every point spent.

Inscription, which is my other far along profession was a real struggle to get levelled up. But once I finally hit 100/100 it turned out to be quite nice. I am pretty much finished filling out the tree. Only Darkmoon Cards left to finish off, and they have no demand this expansion anyway.

Inscription suffers heavily from some guy on a random server actively pushing down the prices.

I googled it while writing the post and Reddit said +10 in June 2022, but I logged my Belf just now and it’s +5, so it’s not quite as significant as I thought, but I think it’s still vastly more due to the way those point margins work and price difference between maximum quality and second highest quality.

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