Dragonflight is the ultimate proof that Blizzard don't care about Monks

They have given up on making the class better, more enjoyable or more popular, and instead have decided to keep it in maintenance mode with minimal efforts. I think they’re sad that they can’t just delete the class at this point.

After taking Windwalker, slapping an edgy skin on it and calling it a new class in Legion, they’ve now introduced a healing spec that just looks like Mistweaver with scales.
They even gave it Mistwalk. Lmao.

Why? Why introduce a whole new class when you can just give these new spells to Mistweavers and make it interesting again, after having removed everything that made it unique for the past 6 years? (Chi, Mana Tea, Melee Disarm, Touch of Death, no GCD on Soothing Mist, etc.)

As you can probably tell, I’m a very sad Monk.


I’d say more classes feel “threatened” by the Evoker. I’ve read that from shamans on Discord, mages often say here Blizz wants them to reroll to Evoker, DHs would like to be able to fly like them etc…

There’s always a class you might feel that way about when it’s introduced, as feral, I wasn’t so excited about monk’s and later on dh’s mobility for example. We used to be the kings ^^

Monk and Ferral mobility work very differently though.
DH mobility was a straight up copy-paste of the Monk arsenal. They even removed damage from Chi Torpedo so that Fel rush didn’t look too obvious as a shameless ripoff.

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Yes, that’s true, I wasn’t speaking about the mechanical aspect I guess, mainly I’m still salty and remembering the powershifting times :smiling_face_with_tear: A lot of classes got a lot more mobility eventually, 'cept for dks, palas…

Mostly I’m tired with bugs that never get fixed like SEF bugging out. Monk is one of the neglected classes for sure.

“Neglected” implies “forgotten”, as in, “they’re not making changes for it”.

It’s worse. The correct word is actually “butchered” because they did change the class, by removing unique mechanics such as Tigereye brew for Windwalker, Chi and Mana Tea for Mistweaver and giving nothing back in return.

Nevermind actually, they did give something. They gave Chi Torpedo and Leg sweep to Demon Hunters, and they have Mistwalk to Evokers.

Let’s wait and see. Maybe the Monk talent tree preview is taking so long because Blizz is making tons of changes to the class. :pleading_face:

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I’ve waited years already, I’m pretty confident I know what I’m going to see.

Nothing worth mentioning. Mistweaver will, for the most part, play exactly like it did in BFA and SL. Just as bland and uninteresting as ever.

I honestly live by the mantra “there is always a bigger fish”. Not expecting to be the best in any situation.

tbh I’m all for them not adding new spells for any of the classes yet, it’s better to refocus the classes as they currently are into the new talent trees, and then once they’re solid, expand on them with new abilities.

Also this isn’t just a literal gameplay thing, it’s a class/race fantasy thing too, Evoker’s healing with the bronze dragonflight inspired abilities interest me wayyyy more than if mistweaver was given those same abilities under a different name/description.
It’s partly why I really feel Class Skins should be introduced to add more class fantasies without needing to facilitate whole new classes, For instance a “skin” for Warlock that basically re contextualized all it’s abilities under the name “Necromancer” with undead minions etc would seem really cool to me, even if it’s the same gameplay as Warlock, a class I’ve no interest in.

For the first time ever I do have a slight bit of hope that once this new class is out, they’ll be working on bringing the other classes up to scratch, changing certain abilities and adding new ones etc, I’ve said it several times now but Shamans’ Sundering ability would be cool as hell if it was a chargeable attack like the Evoker’s fire breath.

Of course this is blizzard, like with the Dracthy’s Soar, they’ll find a way to ruin things/stop any fun. XD

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For sure, it’s better for your peace of mind as the opposite leads to rerolling all the time, likely never mastering anything.

I would not like that for pvp as it’s the only instant cc enha currently has.

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I don’t play shaman much, you’re more qualified to speak on it than I am, I just think it looks like a cool ability and that would make it cooler, maybe instead of charging it could be like the long targetable AoE the Evoker has where it flies overhead shooting fire.
That was just an example anyways, I could easily see more classes getting charge abilities and more long range target AoE’s and cone AoE’s.

And I’m not an expert on Evoker tbf :smile: I’m trying to not spoil myself of DF much.

Yeah I’m also curious how Evoker changes the game, if it stays popular after the initial hype and what we might see implemented for other classes based on their conclusions.


Don’t be sad. If I am not mistaken (and correct me if I am) but I saw in one of the alpha vids that Evoker comes with a warning: Advanced Play. As monk healer this means you should be able to master Evoker quicker than most. Being the Hero Class you may even be the shiny in the group :slight_smile:

But I don’t want to play an Evoker.
I want to start enjoying my monk again. To get my toolkit back.


I feel you. Come whatever I am still going to play my monk. Good or bad its the only class I really love playing.

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But sir, you’re a paladin…

Seriously though, I’d avoid arguing about monks until we get to see their changes and talent trees in 10.0.

Only got monk to level 30 something (not this one) and from what I played it was a pretty fun class.

Which part did you enjoy the most, swapping stances or managing chi as Mistweaver?

have you seen any real feedback besides hunter atm? Every class is going to be crap if the devs of those keep silent. Hunters are in heaven right now so get you fotm reroll rdy

This is true for like.
All classes.