Dragonflight LFR Raids when?

Hey, I would like to ask if there is any information on addition LFR NPC for Dragonflight raids. Vault of Incarnates LFR recolor is so sick I just can’t wait for it any longer. I’ll be grateful for any info. I saw somewhere that previous xpac lfr raids usually get added after first major content patch of new xpac, so it should be anywhere around undermine release, no?

As a general rule, retuning of legacy raids and adding of an LFR NPC happens ist big patch 2 expansions later when they´re reliably soloable due to player powerlevel. SO in this case with 12.1, first major patch of Midnight.

Doing it earlier simply doesn´t make sense for most classes and would only lead to endless whining about getting roflstomped in legacy LFRs, because you´re “only” approximately as strong as a 5 man group would have been, whereas 2 expansions later you´re roughly as strong as a 25 man raid.

We actually did a 10 man DF-Mythic Mogrun last week and still managed to wipe on Tindral, Fyrakk and Broodkeeper because we ignored mechanics the first time around… so the adds on Broodkeeper had a 416 % dmg reduce and started hitting really hard :smiley:

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I won’t disagree that you need to respect mechanics on some bosses, but I just got confirmed that shadowlands lfr npc has been added in patch 10.1.5 of dragonflights, so it’s around the middle of next expansion. That’s why I ask if there’s any info on df lfr npc :smiley:

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That actually surprises me a bit, I thought they added those when they reworked the mechanics to make bosses soloaboe and not before… Guess that just shows how much attention I pay to LFR-news. :beers:

But then again, LFR is generally lighter on mechanics, too, and you CAN queue as a 5 man, so it kind of makes sense… probably part of how they suss out which mechanics need to be changed to make certain bosses soloable now that I thionk about it … Broodkeeper being a good example. :wink:

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