Dragonflight professions knowledgep points

Is there a faster way to get knowledge points aside from weekly quest and treasures?

In dragonflight we need alot of knowledge points and since its a old expansion I think it should be buffed significantly

I like to level profession from every expansion and I would also like to be able to get all the spec points

The rares have a chance to drop dragon shards of knowledge. When I was playing Dragonflight, I was farming the timed spawn rares (they spawn on a rotation, one per every 30 minutes), but the others are also worth doing. Since fewer people are playing the expansion now, I would expect the rares to be up longer than two years ago when I was playing. You also get epics etc to disenchant. I think the shard drop chance was around 5%, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they had tuned that up to make it easier for people to catch up.

(non fish) treasure had some skillpoints locked behind it weekly in DF. Otherwise no, the gains are about as slow as it is in TWW, just the sources changed slightly.
Before it was used as a way to bait you into doing world content, now you just get skill points mostly from doing the professions, save for 2 crafting knowledge points you can get from treasure.