Dragonflight release date?

Come on Blizz give us a date please. I have holidays that need putting in :slight_smile:

Anyone has any guesses on release when they think it will be? Just for fun.

I’m hoping they will announce something the day after classic release.


Why would you take a holiday for launch? Do it a few weeks after.


I’d imagine he knows how he wants to spend his time better than you do.

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Ah, yes. Sitting in queues is such a good time to spend a holiday or the servers straight up not working. He’s playing on a full server, not a low pop server.


eh… in fact stay in queue and when log hopin never crash isnt the perfect way to enjoy new content…

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During shadowlands my game never crashed once. Was I pretty luck? Literally had a great launch haha

Draenor was just showing a black char screen very frequently when you got past the queues, you couldn’t even log in to a char because all you saw was a black screen.

When you could “play” the game, you had to wait for up towards 1 minute to loot mobs.


Also Shadowlands got delayed pretty much last minute, so booking a holiday now is not a wise decision. I still remember the backlash from people that took holidays for the original launch day.

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There were some leaks not so long ago. They seem believable. You can look them up.


Yeah it was annoying they delayed it. My friend cancelled his epic pre order because of it and played OSRS instead haha.

I’m pretty lucky that we are busy at work atm and I could cancel my holiday very last minute. I just wanna get them in so I know I got it off. It’s the only day every two years where the wife lets me pretend them and the kids don’t exist haha

My prediction is Mid December relase date , Prepatch comming somewhere in late November.

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On twisting nether it ran pretty smooth. My friend on kazzak couldn’t get in though. He waited a life time.

Just play it safe and take all december off :rofl:

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IN SL I woke up at 3am, 8 hours later I was lev 60. Took 2 days off because I’m a impulsive guy, I want everything now.

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I think late december would be perfect, they’re already getting a ton of work done every week on the spec trees now, around late October they ought to have everything ironed out mechanically, since they can just hotfix the actual numbers later on during live raiding and whatnot.

Then they spend November doing raid & m+ testing while the prepatch goes live sometime during mid/late november.

i guess in late of October open prepatch and late of november the global launch will open

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We’re still at the beginning of the Beta… … we don’t even have M+, not raids, nor anything tbh… Just talents.

I remember waking up early to lvl in a new expansion…ahh the nostalgie…ever since Wod launch I take time off anymore though because it was so rocky :rofl: and honestly I had forgotten about Shadowlands launching because it got delayed and I was distracted by something else at the time!

five to six weeks for pre-patch with main launch four weeks later, so end of November-ish.
It’s delayed until February / March.

This. I never play during Launch because it’s laggy and full of disconnects.

Needs at least 1 week after Launch to play smoothly. Also depends on your realm too