Dragonflight Season 2 Rating Update

Couldn’t disagree more with this. Gatekeeping rewards for 99.9% of players won’t be the right step forward when it comes to increasing participation in PvP. Also, kinda weird wording buddy ^^


There are rewards at every tier of skill.
Elite sets, elite illusions, elite tabards.

Lesser players, myself included, can get all those rewards.
We’re not going to die over not getting a welfare Gladiator mount.


All rewards should be accessible to everyone either trough skill or trough grinding.
For example you can get the mythic mount skin now in LFR.
There is no “welfare” in wow because you pay 15$ a month.
If you want something special… hmm maybe make the gladiator mount for the 1% at the end of the season with a different color.
Low rated participation in 3v3 is also linked to this. Why play 3v3 for unobtainable rewords when you can do solo shuffle ?

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I am not sure what you are referring to with welfare Gladiator mount, but gatekeeping rewards for 99.9% of the players won’t increase participation in PvP, I’d rather say probably the opposite is the case. And this may or may not blow your mind, but satisfying PvP players below the 99% mark in addition to an influx of new motivated players is what is needed to keep PvP healthy.


Is already possible with elite sets, illusions and tabards.

I am not saying that I am capable of judging what is satisfactory for every single PvP player, but neither are you. All I am saying is, for the third time, that gatekeeping rewards for 99.9% of the players won’t increase participation in PvP. That is all that is to it.

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Having one reward for the absolute best and most committed players isn’t going to reduce participation either.
If anything, it’s the uniqueness and prestige of those rewards that make me want to get better so I can be good enough to deserve them.

And I’m answering, for the third time, the Gladiator mount isn’t the only PvP reward in this game.
There are plenty of OTHER rewards accessible for 99,9% of the players.

I don’t want to see challenger XP players running around with Gladiator mounts.
It completely annihilates the prestige and devalues the effort put in by those who earned them the proper way.
It cheapens those rewards and renders them meaningless.

If you want more accessible rewards, CREATE NEW ONES.
You don’t NEED to give welfare Gladiator mounts to everyone.


On the contrary, as I said already, gatekeeping any kind of reward gatekeeping rewards for 99.9% of the players will not only NOT increase participation in PvP, I’d rather say it will in fact decrease PvP participation in the long run for the vast majority of players since at least 99% of them won’t obtain certain rewards. Generally, I find it rather odd that some people are so invested in literally gatekeeping, in their eyes, virtual “prestigious rewards”, rewards that people literally buy via boosting services, instead of focusing on encouraging the majority of PvP players to continue to play and to advertise PvP to newcomers via a wide range of rewards, hence making PvP more healthy.

I am still not sure what you mean by welfare Gladiator mount (wrong term?), however, here it goes: give the best 1% of PvP players a carrot to chase, even if it’s just great for 1% of players instead of 99%. But, the main focus should always be on the other 99% of players when it comes to rewards from PvP in order to increase and maintain PvP participation.

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Yes, it already exists: the Gladiator mount.

Sure, we agree.
Let’s create plenty of new rewards for the 1000 CR to 2000 CR players then.
I completely support this.

Keep the Gladiator mount for Gladiator level players though.

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oujee i can finally get my alts 1800 mogs without playing against r1s and 11 season glads

thank you blizzard this is really smart from you, you are best


But did you also think about where the rating disparity was coming from? Its not like that RSS was inflated while regular arena was deflated. The rating disparity was a simple result of bracket popularity!

The more player a bracket has, the wider the range of rating becomes. That is simply how a mmr system must work to be functional.

So your attempt of trying to pseudo boost 3s popularity just resulted in a tone of frustration and its nothing you could fix with a bandage. There is a reason why regular arena has become so unpopular and why people prefer RSS even when you take the queue times into consideration.

Just remove everything you have done to the mmr system and make weekly inflation based on games played. The less games have played, the higher the inflation should be, so achieving the ratings you are aiming for are always comparable challenging in every season, no matter of how much people are actively competing in the bracket!

It can’t and shouldn’t be that most specs have currently more R1 legends than actual legends!


Since boosting exists, not so prestigious anymore. I’d rather thought of something a little bit less in-your-face, like a toy/title. Despite this, mounts shouldn’t be gate-kept since there are no benefits for 99% of players by doing this. Personally, I think some players are way too invested in this gatekeeping instead of focusing on the big picture of PvP participation.


Why not, instead, make the lower rating brackets more casual friendly, so players have time to actually get into rated & develop their skills before getting farmed by gladiators?

If more people played rated we wouldnt need inflated mmr, and flawed rating mechanics to help the same 0.0001% of the community who has been taking home gladiator and r1 titles the last decade.


Too little, Far too late

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Man I’d really like to be positive because this is great news and a much needed change… BUT considering how many people were spamming you guys on Twitter and on the forums daily (and I’m talking about reputable people, not some Jimmy on his throw-away troll account, but OG blizzcon players etc., even your own employees) and it took you this long to react, it clearly shows that there is a large underlying problem here.

Everytime Blizz delays their responses to these issues, it causes a massive drought in the game and makes players leave in masses. Then after way too long, you try to fix it and if you/we are lucky, 50% of those that left might eventually come back, but more often than not it’s far less than that. Even when the game is in good state, it’s being run into the ground by an indecisive company, that seems to be unable to fix obvious problems. It’s just sad.


not really, conq was about 13-15k last season by the end we are at 4.1k right now gaining 550 per week gives us say 18 weeks left of season?

They wont address them… Unless its paladin. Than Suddenly blizzard can address it and over nerf back to being 1 of the most easy to tunnel melee dps… And they still have not address our mobility… Nah they nerfed our pvp talents and nerfed our dps and made our self healing a joke… The amount of times I see DH and Fury warriors outheal me and dps me is super telling… Blizzard does not care and has zero clue

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toke u 1+ month to do this lmao. still overtuned boomkin/demo etc. Pretty much every caster is overtuned cuz u thought free precog for casters whereas it was supposed to help healers. Such a joke that u didnt make it healer specific, actually mindnumbing the amount of not caring. WE PAY U 15 EUROS A MONTH. I hope with all my soul Riots MMO is better in anyway possible, maybe that day ull wake up and actually care.

wild gatekeeping. i legit think gatekeepers perfer to see an entire game dying then maybe see one or two extra glad mounts flying in stormwind/ogrimmar…


This blue post is an insult to the few players continuing to do arena.
You make arena pvp a toxic game with unreachable achievement until inflation to force player to pay montly subscription during more time.
Now Blizzard is crying because all players leaves, we got only good player left, and inflation system is not working anymore. And we are now into a vicious circle. Players are lefting game and pushing rating lower entraining other players to leave.
You’re reacting when you see you lose subscription…