Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

If you dont time a +2 there are a few options:

  • you are undergeared → go m0 and try again
  • you dont understand mechanics → go m0 / read up mechanics and try again
  • your overall pug group wasnt working for affixes or everyone was undergeared
  • your group made too much mistakes

You also dont time keys “for free” in current season.

Thats all that is too it.
You are putting this like:

M+ is going to be for the best players only. And is now a 1% hardcore gamer thing.

Hence the overthinking part.

Thats not what I am saying. Im saying nothing will change. M+ will be for whoever does M+ the same way as today.

So were hyping over some changes that will (practically speaking) have ZERO impact. Both low keys and high keys.

My comment was: If you cant do a +2 you cant do a M0 either. Go back to Heroic.

And if you can do M0 you can also do M2. Which offers much better rewards. So who will play M0 then? Nobody.

Same as today.

Yeah agreed, the post was adressed to Mistjo.

I do agree with your post and replies :slight_smile:

+10 difficulty is not a learning ground to me. I like to build it up slowly. I is terrible to me to get annihalated in content i am not good enough for. Better do stuff what i can do and slowly build.

Yeah a +10 isnt a place to learn mechanics.

but M+2 till M+9 arent gone, so you can build through those M+ keys regardless.
i still dont understand what people find so difficult about it all.

nowhere in the blue post something like: Mythic+ start from M+10.
So what is your point?

That is the thing, M+2-9 will be gone in next season.

M0 will be M+10. It is in the blue post.

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Where in any of this does it say that:

As a part of ongoing development in Dragonflight, the development team identified three issues to address based on community feedback regarding the dungeon system as it is:

**** Heroic dungeons are barely distinct from Normal dungeons at maximum level, and that distinction mostly only matters during a few days after players first reach max level.***

As a part of ongoing development in Dragonflight, the development team identified three issues to address based on community feedback regarding the dungeon system as it is:

  • Heroic dungeons are barely distinct from Normal dungeons at maximum level, and that distinction mostly only matters during a few days after players first reach max level.

  • “Mythic 0” dungeons rapidly lose relevance a few weeks into an expansion, once the M+ season starts, with occasional exceptions for the weekly event quest.

  • The only truly endgame dungeon mode (M+) currently revolves around a timer. This means that other than new mega-dungeons, there isn’t really a place for endgame players who enjoy a more methodical dungeon pacing and gameplay.

Given the combination of two underutilized difficulties, and a gap in meeting player demand, we’re restructuring dungeon difficulty and rewards in Season 4:

  • Heroic difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 0. These dungeons will remain available to queue into via Group Finder (default hotkey: “I”), though the item level requirement to queue will also go up accordingly.

  • Mythic 0 difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 8-10 (this is a bit hand-wavy - numerically it’s close to M10 but not having a timer at all or affixes really offsets that quite a bit).

  • The existing Mythic+ system will pick up where that leaves off, such that a Mythic 5 in Season 4 is roughly equivalent in difficulty, rewards, and M+ Rating awarded, to a Mythic 15 today.

Here’s a visualization of the change (light blue circles represent where new affixes appear, going from M2/M7/M14 in the current world to M2/M5/M10 in the new one):

That would make no sense at all. Why introduce affixes at the M2 / M5 / M10 level, if it all starts at M10 anyway?

M0 will be M+10. Heroic will be M0 without mythic mechanics. M+2-9 are gone. Learning ground removed.

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That is merely a way of saying how the tuning will end up. thats how they used examples of key levels in that post.

I will break down the blue post for you:

Mythic 0 difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 8-10 (this is a bit hand-wavy - numerically it’s close to M10 but not having a timer at all or affixes really offsets that quite a bit).

Mythic 0 in season 4, will be scaled up to the numbers of a M+10 in season 3. (to offset gear inflation etc)

The existing Mythic+ system will pick up where that leaves off, such that a Mythic 5 in Season 4 is roughly equivalent in difficulty, rewards, and M+ Rating awarded, to a Mythic 15 today.

Season 4 mythic +5 will be scaled up aswell, the numbers in a +5 (boss health etc) are compareable to a +15 in season 3

So essentially, the key levels / scaling increases by 10 levels, if you currently can time a +15 with ease on your gear levels, a +5 can be timed in season 4 without any new gear. (guestimating here, since we dont know exact numbers)

Nowhere in the entire article do they state:

Mythic + now starts at lvl 10, and level 2-9 are removed.

Once again:

Season 4 affixes start at:
Mythic +2: Tyrannical or Fortified
Mythic +5: Volcanic or whatever is on that week
Mythic +10: affix number 3, like afflicted or whatever is on that week

Why would they introduce affixes on 2 different key levels BEFORE level 10, if it all starts at lvl 10 anyway?

Please, learn to read and understand a post before going nuts in a thread like this.\

Just right back at you. Learn to read. When M0 is M+10 and heroic is M0 without mechanics then +2 to +9 are removed. Blizz is literally saying what they do for scaling with what reason.

Actually they kind of have. While the current M11-14 will keep their the scaling of the enemie life pools and damage, affixes are being set behind. So with M2 in S4 only going to havy Fortified it will actually be a bet easier then then curren M11 that currently has Affixes like Entangling / Incorporeal etc.

Again which affixes? With S4 an M2 will only have Fortified or Tyrannical

There is no learning grounds in S3. Sub m10 is so under-tuned that you +3 all keys and then suddenly you end up with let’s say m12. A key for dungeon in which you maybe never been before, and you are also undergeared because you didn’t collected any gear since it only took A FEW runs to get to the that point.

In condensed scenario that will not be the case. You will “wiggle” let’s say 4-5 4-5 4-5 and by doing so you are learning and collecting gear for higher levels.

In your experience maybe, but for me the <10 is a very valuable learning ground. It is great though you are able to jump instant in +10’s and higher. But i am not you. Also 50% of the playerbase isn’t at +10’s, looking at raiderio.

They arent, since the season 4 +10 is literally a 20 key in season 3.

this part of the blue post:

The Mythic+ system will have rewards up to level 10, with +2 starting from what would regularly be a +11 in the current Mythic+ system.

  • A +5 should be as hard as a +15 and +10 should be as hard as a +20 in the current Mythic+ system etc.*

and if you look at the whole reward structure:
a +10 will reward a Mythic 2/4 item level reward in the weekly vault

So levels are squished.
+10 is the new +20, squishing all the key levels down.

So if you are able to run a +14 in season 4, you actually are playing a +24 in season 3.

Its merely a squish, and +2 and +9 arent removed at all they are a lot harder now. and we have less ‘‘bloat’’ key levels.

You arent going to run 10s in Season 4, since they are the new +20s, all the key levels are getting squished.

I think you completely miss what i am saying so i leave it like that. I have explained my point of view multiple times. Whatever.

I just cant wait till season 4 starts, and you will see you are 1000% wrong in your idea about keys below level 10 being removed.

Sure. Sure. It is in the blue. But whatever. You do you.

It is, not my fault you cant understand how they wrote it down.
and when explained to you, you just dance around going:

No it is all removed, because i read it like that.

while you have been told multiple times, by multiple people, that you are reading it wrong.

Anyway, cya in Season 4, when you can run a +2 :smiley:

Those statistics are giant pile of nothing.

  1. You are simply presuming that everyone strive to push 20+. Certain percent of people simply run some key every now and then just for the sake of fun.
  2. How does RIO even count players? as accounts or characters?
    This season i personally played low keys with few characters just for the sake of gameplay. Never had intention nor desire to do 20’s with those.
    There is no way that i am the only one who does that.

Just remove timers entirely, there is no point keeping them if your goal is to make it more accessible for casual players because sooner or later they will face them in higher keys and that’s gonna be a mess.

Also nobody likes timers anyways, it’s just extra stress for absolutely no reason as there is no better rewards for clearing the content in less time anyways…

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