Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

tehy are not rogught because people get ton of gear from +2-9 before they even attempt +11

it will be a complete total …show once you will have there only people in hc dungeons gear :smiley:

you think that lack of tanks and healers is bad now ? just wait what will be happening when S4 lands :smiley:

yes rollout should not be a thing but right now it’s hard too , finding a group especially is really hard.

people will get that gear from heroics now…

ok i need you to read the article again

thanks for proving me right :wink:

like i said - gating off casual players from m+ for weeks/ months if not completly :slight_smile:

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you do realise what weekly lockout on m0 means ? because i think you dont realise how little useful gear people actualy were getting on week 1 from m0 :slight_smile:

on hunter i got like 3 or 4 pants from m- world tour on week 1 :slight_smile:

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And you dont like it but i started on this char on +2. And after that i got carried. Allthough this is a spec i have been playing since bfa. I havent playing tank and dps ever before last season though. And yes on those i also start on +2.

yes that’s why we say lockout should go but other than that it’s a lot better than current stuff.

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+2s till 9s arent removed or gone.

Learn to understand that. A +5 will be compareable to a +15 last season. But we always had these “changes” to difficulty in seasons to offset our power increase due to rising ilvls.

Usually that was “just” a 5 lvl drop in difficulty. So a 15 last season would be a +10 in a new season.

This time the jump is 10 levels of key. Which is (to my idea) to offset the longevity of the season.
Season 4 of Shadowlands was really “easy” after just a few months.

I do believe with this bigger change to difficulty they want to make the season last longer till the next expansion

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If there arent any casuals to gate…

no . because with blizzard new amazing design they are reseting difficulties now every season .

so yes. if you are new player +2-10 are gone.

there will be only new +2-10 which will be in reeality old 11-12.

so collosal gate on entry and then normal progression as always :slight_smile:

if you cant do that huge jump in scaling ? well clearly according to blizz m+ are not meant for you :slight_smile:

go collect some herbs in world content with your new best buddy Tah :slight_smile:

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I, at least, did read it. That’s why I said ‘add some more info’
Veteran clearly isn’t gone, because in the table you point to me it lists it as a reward from great vault for doing heroic dungeons.

As I /highly/ doubt that’s it’s only source, I was curious about additional ones.


Its not proving anything, new seasons always are a bit slower due to the difficulty change.

It is been well known for years and happens each season.
This time it is just a higher drop of key levels than before.

If you are 3200 now, i assume you are around this level every season, which would mean you have good gear by the time the new season hits. That means you don’t have an actual reason to do keys below 10, or even higher right at the start of any given season. Why would you do the exact same instance astificially lowering the rewards you get? Immersing yourself in the lore? I started this season in 470ish gear iirc, and could easily go into 15+ right away in S3. Why on earth would i start doing +2? Why would you?

Open world activities presumably.

except this time it wont be just slower.

for very many people who dependent on gear ? its now completly gone. they are hard gated from m+ completly stuck wiping and unable to complete m0 bo garbage gear :slight_smile:

such a fun and engaging game design to not be able to play the game at all because you lack skills that m+ pushers have

and i can wait how nicely it will validate skills of very many people who dependent on gear to progress.

new tanks / healers ? completly gone because they wont have difficulty to learn m+ in .

Its not, as a new player you gear up to lvl 2 ilvls from heroic dungeons and m0. Then the next logical step is m+2 and up.

Your gear is up to speed and if you did pay attention in m0 and heroic you will understand mechanics.

How exactly? If all your progression takes you to that difficulty level on all your characters?

You truly have no clue what you are talking about.

imagine how degrading it will be for many people for whom casual dungons (2-10 ) were their main enjoyment in game.

now they cant play them untill they farm up milion bear asses for 2-3 months to get veteran / champions gear from world content.

This shows once again you have no clue at all.

Have a good night.

there is not progression .

you farm up hc dungeons gear and either have skills to jump over the 100-110 % scaling to m+ or you dont and are gated of from doing m+ for months untill you get full WQ gear and then try again if you will be able to jump over that gate

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You get UP-GRADABLE adventurer 4/8 from end of the run.
Adventurer 8/8 is the same as veteran 4/8

You really didnt read the article did you? Lol.

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