Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

i want to see you doing ruby pools +2 in your full adventure 8/8 gear.

lets do that key togehter once season starts :slight_smile:

and lets take breaths in .

im willing to sit there 3-4 hours with you both seeing how this would go

no im serious lets do that :slight_smile:

To me it seems like you are simply used to leaping through difficulties in S3. This squish will create a meaningful difference between a 2 and a 4 key which is not there now, so keylevels are completely inflated atm.
And yes, if you don’t have the skill to do something right away, you should have to practice more before you can do it. How on earth is this an alien concept to people nowadays?

it wont though .

because scaling in keys will be very likely exactly the same as it is now.

so difference between +2 and +4 will be still 20 %

but the difference between hc dungeons and +2 will be +/- 100 %

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Catch up gear in season 4: i would guess 450-460.

Heroic ilvl gear season 4: ilvl 476
M0 ilvl (next step after heroics): ilvl 493
M+2: ilvl 496
M+3/4: ilvl 499

So, if you follow the proper path of progression you gear up for +2s by just playing the game. A full reset of m0s might not instantly gear you to ilvl 493.

But it surely will be enough to clear +2s /+4s with a average ilvl of 480ish gear.

The whole table with reward ilvls in all difficulties:

Easy as that. No harm and it is all fine. People are really seeing things that arent there.

Sure np. This guy is what will be adventurer 2/8 (sub future heroic) so no need for 8/8


yeah . and exacty because people are mistaken like you forums will be pure gold once you realise that its simply impossible to time +2 with 480 itlv with new scaling for very very many people

i dont doubt that people who push now +25 or +30 will manage

but your average timmy who barealy clears KSM months in ? yeah - now he just wont be able to m+ anymore :slight_smile:

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There isn’t anything in that post that addresses why the majority of players don’t enjoy M+.

It’s almost as if they think everyone who plays World of Warcraft is stupid.

As things stand now, you can’t use Dungeon Finder to queue up for a Mythic Plus dungeon but soon Heroics will be the same difficulty as an M+ 0 dungeon and we will be able to queue for M+ 0 (heroics) using the Dungeon Finder.

So why not let us use Dungeon Finder to queue up for all Mythic Plus dungeons?


there is thought.

they will achieve that by simply cutting wide audience off from m+ .

you cant complete +2 ? well m+ are not for you filthy casual . go do m0 and dont try m+ again - yours sincely blizzard :slight_smile:

I think it is just some good changes for those that are still playing the game, thats it really. Nothing in this for those who quit.

The only one who is mistaken is you.
I literally listed all the upgrades and ilvls that are up for grabs from “regular content” as heroics and m0.
And all content around in the world will get a boost aswell.

World quest rewards wont be your current ilvls but will scale accordingly.

Haha he will be. Since all rewards gone up and you still need to gear up a character.

Even in this current season you dont go: hurr durr i dinged lvl 70 on a fresh char, look at my 401 ilvl m+10 here i come.
You can only do that if you have friends or guildies that want to help you.

Otherwise you need to spend some time to prepare said character for m+.

But sure, i cant wait till season 4 launch, so i can enjoy how wrong you are.

And enjoy the rest of the night, trying to get across you dont understand it at all is like talking to a brick wall.

oh yeah you certainly dont .

you ding 70 and spam some hc dungeons and go into +2

now +2 is gone. so you will spam some hc dungeons and indeed go straight into what is effectivley current +10 .

and either you have skills to do that - or you are done - game is not for you anymore.

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And you will do that in season 4. And maybe you need 1 week of m0 dungeons to get to 480ish ilvl.

To then play m+2s and up.

You 100% have no clue at all.

But they will get gearing curve all the same


oh yeah . i just cant wait to see what will happen when peopel do exactly that

i hope blizzard will spice it up and start with tyranical week :smiley:

See i told you you are too used to leaping through content. hc to +2 is not normal if you have zero skills like said Timmy person. Do the M0s once a week, do world bosses, craft gear, there are a lot of options to bridge the gap, but you are used to just ignore them all and jump straight into M+. and what the hell is this “omg timmy wont be able to do m+ AT ALL” - you are hard stuck on these numbers and are exaggerating.

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Doesnt matter, as punyelf posted all ilvls from the dungeons. So if you open your eyes, you will see it is no issue at all.

But sure keep posting nonsense.

Changes in a game do nothing for those who are not playing said game. I think you have reached the secret cow level of complaining, and i salute you for that, dear sir.

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To me it feels like:

Each m+ season will be similar to the start of the expansion, where you play m0s to gear your character up.

Something i enjoy alot each expansion but it is just something for the first 3 weeks. New m+ changes seem to bring back that experience each time.

Which i will enjoy. And if you play 1 character the whole expac, the leap is big enough to not instantly hop into +15s each new season. Making it a bit more challenging to get to KSM.again.

Which currently feels very fast for me.

I think you didnt read what I said, good change for those who are playing, if youve quit already this does very little to bring you back.

If hero gear is given in the GV from a M0 that means in S4 you absolutely can’t invite people to a group based on item level and only by rating.

There are going to be a lot of players with elevated item levels just because they have done some m0’s .