Dragonflight story is cringe

As the title suggests, Dragonflight story in general is very uninteresting.
The voice acting of NPC’s is cringe, the cutscenes are cringe.
The Drakthyr just came to SW/Org and for reasons unknown invited us to help them.
In Cata the aspects say the new age of mortals begins, they fulfilled their purpose, and now some “ancient” threat cut short the age of the mortals it seems.
So unoriginal.
They had a clean slate, it could have been anything.
It feels like they didn’t even try, but thank God they didn’t disappoint in the PC department.
Not to mention the Dracthyr story, pure cringe.


Making a thread on the forum at all is cringe.

We’re all cringe here, welcome.


Yeah it is, but still not more cringe than Df.
Who writes the story? Disney?
The accent of the Blood Elf lady and the joke she does is very cringe and racist imo, it’s a stereotype of a group of people.


Using cringe as an adjective is defecate.


Duly noted, but not the topic of this thread.

Theyre also kinda forced to because they lost the large bulk of their power, they dont rly have another choice but to leave it to mortals at that point. Their hand was forced into that.

Also, mortals went on from cataclysm to.

  • find a new land and cause a old god threat.

  • fail to kill who is responsible, ended up teaming with a bad dragon who helps open a alternate time line and reinitate the legion attack on azeroth.

  • keep trying to kill each other.

  • end up being argus to azeroth.

  • try to kill each other more.

  • horde ends up being puppeteered by the jailer and massacreing the night elves.

  • a warchief aligns with ashara, to try and murder its own leaders + champion.

  • warchief goes on to rip the sky open break death and bleed all souls into thr maw for the jailers army.

  • have a so called paladin torture people into giving information.

  • then try kill each other some more.

I wonder why could possibly be the dragons regret their decisions couldnt think of a single reason


Pre cataclysm, the factions didnt quite cause the quantity of disruptions and issues they are causing now.

So maybe the dragons are onto something intervening here lol

If garrosh was executed properly and died immediately.

WoD wouldnt of happened meaning no guldan, no guldan means legion wouldnt of happened, varian woulsnt have died meaning factions wouldnt of devided further, voljin wouldnt of died meaning windrunner wouldnt of became warchief, without her becoming warchief she wouldnt of had the power to empower death.

Imagine that.

Give the world to mortals and they single handerly caused the 4 worst expansions to exist in WoW.


Every time I see someone type “cringe” I add an r and my world goes back to normal.


Yeah but the way they phrased it, it sounded permanent. To me it seems the same as there must always be a Lich King, come sl, nope jk no need for Lich King and the scourge is something we could have managed alone all along. Why did Bolvar put the damn crown on, or why would anyone?
That kind of retcons really cause the story to lose integrity. If nothing is permanent and definitive, what’s the point? Anything can be explained away, it doesn’t make it any less stupid and absurd though.

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So far, I’m enjoying the story a lot.

There’s plenty of new lore already in the live game. They’re definitely building up for a big encounter with Murazond. I just hope the encounter is earlier in the expansion, rather than the final boss of the expansion. Also the Lore books in Uldaman, give out some pretty cool spoilers on what to expect in next few patches.

The only question that has been left unanswered for me so far is, why did the Dragon Isles open up again. During the conversation with Kalecos and Khadgar they just say they returned to the Isles, without explaining why they returned and what called them back.

I’m far more hyped for this, than I was for Shadowlands.

Also, Blizz says there is more story to come at Max Level, that has not been available on the BETA to be spoilt.


HE-MAN and the Masters of the Cringe not coming to a TV near you :smiley:

You either don’t follow the lore from the beginning or are easily satisfied with anything and don’t care about consistency at all.


the lore is dead sister and has been ever since they made the lore books then retconned them saying it was the titan’s pov :smiley:


I agree, for me it’s bland and boring so far.

But I’m pretty sure they’ll come with a twist.


What’s cringe is that people whine about DF already and it ain’t out yet, and if you have watched youtube, the storeline there, ain’t accurate, it’s clips and videos of mid-story, and bunch of spoilers, and then you’re lost on what chapter to follow.


I am not hoping for that after the whole Sylvannas fiasco. They were saying she is cunning, has a plan, and then “I will not serve”, serves like a waiter for years. She can have a pension for being a server.

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I have followed the Lore from the beginning. But I really enjoy when they add something new and develop the lore as time goes on. Sure things can change over time. but as long as those changes are there to make the story more engaging and exciting at the current time, well that’s fine I guess, provided they cover their tracks.

It’s only a game at the end of the day. The little details don’t really matter as long as we’re all having a good time.


It doesn’t have to be out, they contradict themselves and the story is also boring and unoriginal.


Find a new exciting and original story to endings yourself in. You don’t have to stick with a story you don’t like.

I kinda actually do that and pretend the story isn’t dumb. I like the gameplay and am too used to it to quit. But it’s really sad what they have done.
I started in wrath and wrath lore with all it’s funny sides is very serious and tragic at the core. It felt like you were part of this huge thing. What we have now it’s literally for children aged 6.