Dragonflight story is cringe

It’s a whole new set of writers, and a whole new set of developers and they’re looking for a whole new audience to keep this game going for a whole new decade. They just want to make the game their own, by coming up with something different and creating their own narrative.

The story of WoW finished a long time ago. But atleast we can enjoy the game in knowing that the story we’re loving is at least based on the original universe, even if at times it doesn’t feel like it.

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People are overreacting alot on the the story, and tbh the story is like 20% of the game? So it is not that importand immo. For me atleast the story could be erased. In DF the story is decent much more enjoyable then shadowlands was.

I’m sorry, what I meant was a twist that will appeal to the vast majority that bother with this game.

What you seeking is justification in wow lore which not gonna get.

Some mistakes were made in wow lore now its unrecoverable. Now dev just dont care - its like here is your content eat that.

Bye then :slight_smile:

To many people it’s just a bit of fun and what people want after shadow lands, a fun happy game

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Thanks for tip, I’ll try it :smiley:
“Cringe” is overused word which primitive people on the internet use because they can’t properly describe what they feel/think :wink:


If you are really story driven as a player, there is a better MMORPG for that. One that does not expect you to buy other media to learn all the story

But it’s dull and you to watch weeb endless dialogue over and over and over rather than playing and combat, it’s soul destroying.

The story is not even started!
But so far it is not cringe
Tell me, have you read the quests? (Including the Dracthyr line, and make a Dracthyr?) Or just click click click, done them, rushing thrugh the content so far…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



How old are you?


That comes down to personal preferences.
I am one those people who can sit back and enjoy long cutscenes.


Well cringe is a descriptive word. It might be overused, but for that reason it’s meaning is well understood in a number of contexts and it conveys a pretty clear picture in this context, don’t let your distaste for the word take away from the truth behind it.

The guy is saying the story lacks taste to the point of embarrassment, is cliche, poorly written and overly formulaic, unoriginal or without thought for continuity. It’s like when you watch the Star Wars prequels and you listen to the dialogue, it’s unbearably bad to the point where some people literally have to turn it off.

WoW does tend to have that effect with its story, there is very little depth beyond the superficial and there is very little originality in how its told, down to the dialogue and voice acting style too, but that’s much like most modern games/movies in general.


The difference between “it is boring” and “I find it boring”…


cringe :skull:

honestly i’m most likely the most cynical towards this expansion and i won’t trash the story until i’ve actually played it

It isn’t the most thrilling story, but after playing through Shadowlands and going “what the hell???” through most of the story, I am grateful for what seems to be a more simple plot.

and then the first patch comes and you’ll be back to saying what the hell as daunser regals you with his latest fanfic :smiley:

Sylvanas will be back as time moves faster in the shadowlands and she’s already spent centuries there in the time it took us to do the first series of quests :wink: Tyrande will now be bff’s with sylvanas because she did her time

The story in this game is always abit cheesy and that is with both wow and diablo 3 but i wouldnt exactly call it cringe. I dont really mind it that much but i enjoy the dragons and story so far. Just have to wait and see if expansion is good but i have high hopes.

The story is definitely not my cup of tea. I feel like dragons is such an overused theme, even within WoW.

I had the same feeling with Legion and I skipped the whole expansion because it wasn’t thematically interesting to me.


this is called blizzard developers

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