Dragonflight story is cringe

Imagine feeling compelled to cry about Dragonflight, still buying it, and still playing it.

From what I’ve seen on youtube Waking Shore, and Azure Span especially do actually have a good storyline. Can’t comment on the other two, haven’t seen them.

Shadowlands actually had the deepest story wow has ever had, despite what the complainers say. Now they’re going back to Disney theme because SL was too “dark and depressing” for some people.


99% of this people will tell you that is payin sub with gold. guaranteed.

Thank you.

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To be honest, the WoW dev’s seem to have been shockingly bad with their writing for a few years now.

It used to be just campy-fantasy but a lot of the story now is just so disjointed. Actions are done on the flimsiest reasoning (looking at you, bringing the necrolord sigil straight to Torghast quest).

What I really dislike is the fact that Dragonflight is all about dragon nostalgia. We’re back helping the aspects stave off the elements again.

So why was Shadowlands just a canon killing mess?


Same here. A game that evolves is a good game. That contributed to wow’s longevity.

Honestly, this game would of been dead shortly after cata if MOP didnt come around.

Classic would essentialyly be ‘dead’ in 2007 or so because people would get bored if they didnt get new stufff now, would it?


yes. it is what it is

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i bought collector edition with visa and 12month sub for mount… worth it? lol

Everything after Legion is cringe.

Also, people who think it’s cringe to say cringe are cringe.


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What is so cringe is reading your post with you over using the word and using it in wrong context.

When I read this post, then I feel from the past that I was made fun of by the classmates

So glad im not one of these ‘too cool for skool’ people who thinks its all too too boring and beneath them.
Im loving everything about this expansion so far. Just the idea of dragons is awesome to me and Ive always loved the back stories of the our WoW dragon aspects so an expansion where they play a major role?..and I can be a dragon?
Big fan of the cut scenes too, they are probably the only pre expansion ones I havent skipped coz did I mention…dragons are just brilliant! :slight_smile:


Shadowlands’ story was bad. Dragonflight is ok so far.

That’s what I call cringeception. Everything is cringe these days

Even cringe itself is cringe nowadays

im planning to do the same :wink:

Ara Ara :heart:

Personally. I think we need a break from Edginess. (And this is coming from a Demon Hunter, lol) We had to deal with Edginess for Leigon, BFA and Shadowlands. I think a more light-hearted adventure is the break we need. So if the game does go to a more Edgier expansion, it would make a more bigger impact.
By the time we got to Shadowlands, it just felt like ‘Oh… ok… another big meanie to deal with. Get in line.’

Whats a cringe?