Dragonflight story is cringe

Wow, did we run out of things to complain about? Names is a new one to me. Next will be the shade of grass. Can’t wait.

I recommend you to read The Silmarillion :smiling_imp:


This is the best story we have had in quite some time IMO. I’m totally invested in what happens.
Also the cinematics and cut scenes have been incredible, both the graphics and the voice acting. I can see me watching them multiple times with alts rather then skipping them.
Even the side quests are entertaining…funny, heart warming or sad.

I honestly feel really bad for all the people who are bored or find it all so very very ‘cringe’…coz I’m clearly having way more fun then them with this expansion!


The Silmarillion was defo an interesting and comfusing read but I am glad I read it :slight_smile:

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this expansion will probably be the third worst, MoP being the worst and BfA being second worst.

the amount of flipped/used assets on the map is astounding. clear recognisable plots of land from previous xpacs (mostly wotlk) with minor changes.

Assets have to be reused. you can´t create millions of individual assets for a game. No one wants to buy a new hardrive for a single game. Same reason why models get reskinned rather than have a totally new model created for every single item. Not to mention the work it would take.

I’m loving the story personally, sorry it isn’t working for you. :frowning:

Really? Is that written somewhere in a Blizz script?

Any time I put the music on I found it disjointed and utterly irrelevant to what was happening (eg huge battles and combat and a silly jingle in the background). So much so it reminded me of Asian games where combat is associated with happy tunes.

An old Blizzard “tradition”, names. In the past we used to have the apostrophe in half the names and places. Probably we still do.

You need to play a female evoker. I can’t wait for the addon that will put a real woman’s voice over.

And Chromie and her line of quests? That voice? If one is five years old, I suppose both the story and the (voice) acting might sound appealing…

That is news to me, nevertheless I could not help but noticing that the map is so small, again a small cluster of islands in some corner of the map.

And I still do not get how after we fought Titans, Death itself, the Afterlife, the old Gods and whatever else, we now are fighting the “Elementalists”… Once Blizzard pulled out the “Titans” and then “Death” card, we ought to be fighting cosmic deities in parallel universes, not level 70 squirrels!

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NO idea what you mean by that. I just love that I get to work with all races.

Im sorry you dont enjoy it but I do :smiley:

Legion was one of the best expansion by far the mainly problem was the artifact power grind, but it had plenty of good content, the Mythic + started here, and very good storylines, patch 7.3 was massive, Legion was Amazing

Tyrande is probably only charather what has not got nerfed yet …

that book made my head explode!

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Legion had some good elements yes, but it doesnt ignore the fact.

They decided to drop rng legendaries into the content, to then cause a bug which early legendary earners got tons of them, to leave unchecked.

Causing a huge split between players who were doing rly well and those that got benched due to terrible legendaries in some cases.

By the second half of legion, yes it was a really good expansion, and ye i do love m+ although to begin with it was alittle wonky with maw of souls spam and severely dead keys being mounds

My inclusion was primarily WoD BFA and SL. Although legion did kick start the mass pruning of classes, and azerite powers, legion was half decent but its class design let it down.

I read it in high school and I confess I only got about halfway through. I much preferred The Hobbit which was on par with Potter books in terms of ease of read imo.

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It is guessed at by one of the npc’s to have been the Primalists that caused the keepers awaken and rekindle the beacon which also started the defrosting of the Dracthyr.

i tried to read it 4 times while reading LOTR around 12 Yo. After that i gave up and resumed in uni.
Finally i finished it, but is the only JRRT book i never bought in english. It would be too much.

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Interesting. It’s a shame they haven’t really made more of a big deal about it through the stories.

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Yeah they could really have done something more with it other then an “oh by the way” Kinda of comment from an NPC.

Whilst I appreciate they’re trying to give the feeling that life on Azeroth is just kinda chill at the moment and there is no impending doom. Having some sort of feeling of impending doom is good for the story.

But then I suppose it’s the feeling of “Well all these elements have awoken! Why is nobody talking about this!?”

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