Dragonflight story is cringe

Good thing I just skip all quest text, cutscenes, talking heads, muted all dialogs and just kill stuff. Dragon riding is giga fun though.

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Just finished the campaign and i dig the story x3 over Sl

Well we know SL was garbage, not that i know its story rly, never rly cared.

Dunno i enjoyed legions lore and so far DFs been decent.

I dont think thats how it worked,

Wraithon went to dragon isles to take his fathers place as a earth warder.

Which makes sense. That the aspects role needs filling.

Demon hunter has been something since TBC, evoker however rly wasnt apart of anything.

Neltharians story before coming deathwing didnt rly get shown at all. So its hard to really relate 6 expansions later.

Evoker was obviously something added in when telling his story prior to becoming deathwing. But tbh its not the first or the last we will see in the genre.

I wouldnt call drakthyr or evoker generic however, not any more generic then DH realistically. Demon hunters theme of being the edgey kids who decide to use the enemies power for good is pretty generic when you boil it down to the fact.

I laughed my @ss off at this but it’s very true and depressing too :rofl::rofl:


There must always be a glitch king. — Blizzard, probably

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Legion was great, despite the parallel universe crap which led into it.
And yes demon hunters are edgy but fit into WoW lore a lot more than Dracthyr, because they were a thing since Warcraft and their story is very well told. It only felt natural when they finally became playable.

In my opinion Legion should have been the pinnacle of lore and we really needed laid back expansion after it. Instead they went with cosmic powers crap and saving the universe. From WoD (Legion is justifiable) we are the Chuck Norris of WoW.
Everything revolves around our character and we mingle with biggest lore characters.

Dragonflight feels like they wanted to show us the Dragon Isles and introduce the playable dragon race, but to make that happen they invented the lamest story possible.
Firstly they shouldn’t have made aspects lose their power in Cataclysm, if they are protectors of Azeroth, shouldn’t they always be that?
A threat like N’zoth was a lot better than this generic primal crap and a perfect opportunity to show the Dragon Isles and introduce a playable dragon race, and when I say dragon I mean we use humanoid form in combat for gameplay reasons with flavors of turning into a drake for cds, and our flight form is turning into a drake, and we can choose whichever race as our humanoid form.
That way every race could have been the new class.
Also all three roles Tank, Healer, DPS should have been an option.

Instead they blew N’zoth story in a patch and we got to play a disappointing minion with the lamest backstory.

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hmm… yeah because C’thun has an entire expansion?
Yogg’Saron has it’s own expansion, yeah? :thinking:
I’m glad that we didn’t kill them in one patch only…

The concept behind the DF story isn’t particularly bad, it’s just been done in a bad way imo.

Just because they did it like that before, it doesn’t mean they couldn’t have done it differently now.
N’zoth was the perfect villain for the “defenders of Azeroth”
That just proves they don’t know what they’re doing or simply don’t care about the story.
Now we have fiery vrykul with small heads as enemies and primal chicken.

@Dayul If the aspects losing their power after Deathwing wasn’t a thing and N’zoth was the enemy, Dragonfight would have been top tier expansion. And if we had the ability to play as actual dragons, lesser drakes but still as part of the aspects, not as some cringe experiments with pathetic backstory.


I kinda like the idea behind Raszageth and all this primal stuff. It is natural that not ALL the dragons accepted titan’s gift and powers. It is natural that now they want to revenge. Like there’s nothing cringe about it, this does make sense and fits well. Rasza is a good villain, she’s just mad and wants to revenge. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Yea, it’s a bit lame that Aspects will probably get their power back but I’m curious to see what this leads to.

Dracthyr are fine. The story is fine. The quests are nice. I like it.

I have the feeling, Raszageth is not that bad
Her points are quite valid to be honest, and she freed the Dracthyr from Neltharion’s mindcontroll - I suspect, she went after his glove/titanic relic because she knew he used it to keep the Dracthyr under his thumb, and it was not mere incident, the glove was hit by her lighting breath :roll_eyes:

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That’s more than we can tell about the Jailor after the whole SL. Impressive. She’s got her place in the story, she’s not pretending to be ‘mastermind’, she’s got a character and some charisma.

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True, refreshing change

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it is pretty cringe imo

I expected in-depth lore/history of dragon isles, instead I got the Aspect of the blue dragonflight in emo form crying to some tuskarr


lame story indeed


and the names, all names, so annoying, balakar, khanam matra, ohnara, jfc. avatar movie incoming

I enjoy this expansion. With the exception of two or three quests i didt like i really love love this expansion.
I love the enviroment, I love that we are working together.
I love the music.
I get it’s not every onces cup of tea but this middleaged housewife are enjoying it very much

the nokhud… :nauseated_face: every 2-3 words there is a name of someone, a clan, place, an artifact. my head explodes. terrible writing imo.

Wouldn’t have …