Dragonflight talents

So looking as more cone out it actially highlights how little creativity has actually gone into unholy.

Its talents or spells that jave always existed in one form or another.

Now, im aware with set bonuses there is paace there to make some changes, but with completely new styles of tree it would be grest to see some creativity come out.

DnD always needs agumenting to hit miltiple targets, make it a core part of the spell and the augment of DND do something else such as the fear effect or smashing wounds can cause pustules like blood that heal and do damage on explosion.

Put necrotic wounds in baseline as part of scourge strike and rename it to necrotic strike, it fits the theme of popping necrotic wounds better. (Especially as i cant see it at all currently!)

Make desthstrike dangeorus for both dps and heals. Make it live up to its name. Id actually like to see the blood verson shield come across to the other specs, as we lack physical damage reduction for example.

So much that can be done, live a little blizzard go nut on it, dont give us the same repackaged stuff.


It was never gonna be more then what we had dressed differently, without class reworks it really wouldnt happen.

Lets not forget this comes in like 5 months now and i find it unlikely they will delay to rework now as itd require retesting continously after feedback or some classes would just launch in terrible states

It is a overall net gain to what we are getting and tbh even if not a rework, it still looks alot better then what we have really


There is no baseline abilities. Your entire class is made up built on how you choose to spend into those trees.

So there wont be anything getting baselined

all other classes have so good talents

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Id disagree quite alot.

Priest, hunter, paladin and mages look quite abut worse.

yes but at least they dont depend on a 2min cd to kill something in pvp…

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True. But they are equally bad in other ways.

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