Dragonflight Warlock Class Talent Tree Feedback

Oh yes, we could use having Dark Soul Misery back becaude our opener and burst set up every 2min is still looking rough and super long.

Agonizing corruption needs a change/redesign as well, useless talent currently. A reduced cast time on Seeds of corruption would be great

Harvester of souls is useless and needs buffing, never worth taking atm.

Tormentend crescendo is still in a weird spot, competing with either Darkglare or Soul Rot in ST/2 targets cleave,

soul harvest should be buffed back to 5% haste and crit pet target hit by soul rot.

I disagree we don’t have a CD, even in ST at the moment, Darkglare with Soul Rot and Phantom Singularity and usually a pile of shards is a real CD burst window, even if it’s clunky and slow, and annoying atm.

Maybe with focus malignancy, they want to push us playing Tormentend crescendo instead of Soul Rot in ST, then yes maybe we have a CD issue, with just one additional dot with darkglare (PS) with a CD that doesn’t lign up with it. Then Darkglare becomes relatively much weaker in ST.
in 2 targets cleave scenario, we have to wait and see what soul swap will copy. Because that spell could potentially becomes a real DPS CD if it allows a copy of UA, PS and SR on a new target.

In AOE with Soul Rot we have 35/40s burst windows with drain life. And obviously Darkglare in AOE is really good.

Well you cant have both tormented crescendo and soul rot, so you have to choose between having shards for your burst window(unless you let dread touch drop) or having that extra dot for it.
And darkglare, in st always, doesnt help much, since you dont have extra shards for those extra seconds to cast MR, and even if you did you kinda want to keep some for dread touch. The only thing it contributes to is its own dmg, which is like 3-4% overall, and extending PS, maybe soul rot if you talent it, which seems not worth most of the time in pure st.
So idk what our st CD is doing exactly. Demo for example is extending demons and also buffing their dmg with tyrant. Why cant darkglare buff our dots too, or give us some haste(like dsm did) which would buff them and give us more shards for MR? There are many options to make darkglare more useful in current aff. Darkglare is a relic of UA stacking atm.

I would not be mad if we could spread the dots with drain soul. It already work like this with warrior I believe where You bleed one mob and use thunder clap to spread it to all other mobs. A warrior can do better job at applying a dot than the dot class (!). Applying dots should a be a 1 sec effort and then we can decide what can be done to use them.

that also would be too strong, imagine all our ST dmg spread on many targets 5-10 effortlessly, just like that. For that to be balanced they need to nerf ST hard.

What do You mean too strong. Second week and ppl are already doing +20 and its not like they have the gear. People are stomping the content because their classes are so OP especially the meele. They do more damage with one button than locks with 5.
Lock is the most complicated class in the game. With the buttons that we have to use especially affliction we should be getting superb damage.

I see what you mean with Darkglare.
I think Darkglare was really good in Shadowlands, from 9.0.5 onwards with the 2 min CD baseline and effectively doubling the damage of PS and SR by doubling their duration + our multiple haste bonuses via Dark Soul, Conduit, Legendary, etc.
Obviously if we’re going to a place where in ST/2 targets cleave we have to forsake either Soul Rot or even Darkglare, then yes it becomes really lackluster.
I have trouble imagining myself not playing Darkglare as soon as more than one target is up though, we really need that DoT extension which is very good. But at the same time Soul Rot and double Inevitable demise drainlife is really cool as well.
So where does Tormented Crescendo fit into all this
 Frankly I think they should put it in place of Xavian Teachings and give us instant corruption baseline.

You could argue that Demonic Tyrant alone without the 5 shards refund and either Tyranny/Reduced CD isn’t a great talent either now that I think about it. But it does come with a +15% damage increase. Maybe they could bake something like that into baseline Darkglare.

And Affliction is still stuck with an opener that takes 15s + to reach max power, which is ludicrous. And the 4 shards tax whenever you need to switch targets with Malefic Affliction. Too much power is stuck in that Dread Touch branch.

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