Dragonflight's KSM mount looks better than the Shadowlands blobs

For me a proper jet black skin would have been great.

idk the hailstorm armoredon is literally just a mob from a “Wanted” quest lol atleast the SL ksm mounts were (kind of) unique

Oh yeah, totally.

Each to their own, but that is fine.

I really don’t care for it, but it’s another mount for the collection.

To be fair, the raging tempest was, and is, shaman only.

The blobs are really ugly, but the new one too. But its a good change that ist no flying mount! I hope they stay with it, flying mounts for completing dungeons make zero sense. So you can flex with it in dungeons where you can mount, i really dislike sitting on a flying mount when i cant fly. I think most people can relate to this too.

Its not. It was perfect and in theme with shadowlands.
Can’t say the same for the armoredon. Dragon xpac and we get a glorified crocodile? Meh.

If anything the issue is that it wasnt 1 blob, it was 4 identical blob for 4 season.

I will pay my respects to it with food offerings of gnomes, vulpera and goblins

thats why I said “kind of” :smiley: I’d rather have a recolor of a already good looking mount (like the elementals) than just some random mob from The Azure Span.

Pick one.

well this is just personal preference then. I know alot of people who love these elemental mounts and def prefer them over the current m+ one :slight_smile:

Some would argue an opinion can’t be wrong but I’m starting to doubt it.

I mean it’s not bad… if they had slapped some wings on it and made it look like the ice world boss in Thaldraszus.


I don’t get why you’re all obsessed with flying mounts.

Ground mounts matter too. You can’t fly everywhere, just switch between two mounts, one for each environment.

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True! You can’t fly in…

  • Draenei Starting Zone
  • Blood Elf Starting Zone
  • Maw/Korthia
  • …Uhhh…
  • Instances…?
  • Myeah that’s about all I can think of!

But you can still use flying mounts everywhere! Ground mounts can’t fly so they end up not being used. So slap some wings on it.

Timless Isle and Thunder isle’s in MoP
Antorus Legion

Using flying mounts for ground is quite weird. I said before they should make dungeons mount every time as ground mount, in instances you cant fly so it make no sense to get a flying mount as reward.

All places most people don’t even go to, yah.

So that should count for PVP rewards then too?

Of course, it would be the best. It make no sense its a flying mount.


You know, dungeons, raids, arenas and battlegrounds - the places where the people who will obtain the KSM mount will spend most of their time on.