Dragonflight's Quests & Achievements are currently inaccessible for 70+ Characters

There is currently a major bug stopping all 70+ characters from starting the Dragonflight expansion. This has been spoken about on both EU and US forums for over 2 months and Blizzard have still not acknowledged this issue.

Here are the links to the other posts:

Unable to start Dragonflight - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

[A] No “Aspectral Invitation” quest - locked out of Dragonflight Campaign - Gameplay / Quests & Achievements - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Can’t Start Dragon Isles on level 70 characters - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

The one thing in common all these posts have is 0 response from Blizzard Support. We just want acknowledgement that you are aware of this issue and looking into a fix.

I can understand it being on the lower end of the list due to it being the previous expansion, but the fact that it is stopping people from even start the expansion should really put this a fair bit higher up.

I, and many others, pay to play this game. We understand that there are bugs, it happens. But if there is a major bug that is blocking part of what we pay for, we at least expect some communication about it… please…

Can confirm, been unable to pick up Aspectral Invitation for like a month and a half now

I keep sending bug reports but since they don’t get responded to there’s literally no feedback on this issue

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Hey Lorfinas,

I just tried in game, and I could start the expansion without any issue. I’m not sure how you found this quest, the one that starts the Dragonflight expansion is called The Dragon Isles await.

For more information, you can check a fansite, such as Wowhead for example:

Are you able to get the next quest, “Aspectral Invitation” on a 71 character, or even an 80 character? If so, please let me know how. When I go to Ebyssian in Orgrimmar he doesn’t give me the quest. I have also ran the macro to check if I have auto-completed Aspectral Invitation and it comes back as false.

The quest Aspectral Invitation is the quest directly after The Dragon Isles await, which I have completed, but to continue the quest chain, I need Aspectral Invitation.

Thanks Lorfinas. It looks like the quest is indeed no longer available if your character is level 71 or higher. That’s definitely something you’d want to bug report, if you haven’t already. :pray:

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I have bug reported it, and numerous of people have said they have done the same, for over a month now.

I appreciate you confirming this though, its a huge step in the right direction in getting this fixed.

Is there any way that you’re able to see if this can get moved up the chain please? In the other forum posts that I have linked in the original post, you are able to see that this has been reported since the end of August.

As someone who has been going through all the expansions in order and now I am stuck here, it really sucks to have a massive roadblock in place on my progression. And, as you can see, it is effecting many others as well - and these are just the ones reporting it.

I understand that you’re just support, so can’t fix bugs for us (I am presuming here, so apologies if this is incorrect), but any help you can provide that gets this fixed asap for us would be amazing!

We indeed can’t fix bugs on our ends, but I can confirm that this is under our developers’ radar. Thanks for the reports! :slight_smile:

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