Dragonkin As available hunter tame

Ok so, now hear me out.
Simple explanation.
The only dragons tamable would be whelps.
And depending on the whelp race, the whelp would have a special role of the

Ferocity : This would be the Ebon dragon flight, its the most dps whelp but its only good for burst/aoe damage, so normal pets would still be better for long run damage.
“Purpose: Gives aoe damage for mob clears or single mobs that dont have allot of hp”

Cunning : Would be the Green dragon flight, it gives passive better movement speed to the hunter, it can sleep mobs (not players) deals less dps but can cast small dots called (nightmare), which makes target take damage in long period of time.
“Purpose, to make hunter faster while whelp gives dots”

Tenacity Would be the Blue Dragon flight, It can use arcane energy as mana shield and has aoe attack called arcane explosion (now, it doesn’t do HUGE damage but it makes the enemies hit by it, generate more aggro on the whelp. Making it kinda like a weaker voidwalker.)
“Be a tank pet that could tank little bit longer then avarage tenacity pet”

This whole idea came when my head feels airy, so, take this with grain of salt.


Sounds a little bit like slavery… Dragons, whelps or otherwise are sentient beings, not mindless beasts.

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Not sure how much it goes against lore, but I would love me some proto drakes and dragon pets

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Alexstraza right now:

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Most creatures are sentient and I would not call all hunter pets mindless beasts as some of the families belong to species that in our world are rather intelligent.
If they are sapient though is another question.
But then again, is all dragons in warcraft sapient?
Not all “dragons” are part of the dragonflights or connected to the aspects.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if we will see some “dragon-like” creatures that will be tameable hunter pets.
As for nicking Alex’s babies I wouldn’t hold my breath.

So baby slavery?

Today I learned a new word, thank you!

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I mean theres a hunter in one of the bc dungeons that has tamed a Druid as a pet so dragon isn’t breaking anything really. Intelligence tame ability wise


Druid in a Beast form still isn’t a Dragonkin, and Dragonkin are supposed to be a higher tier being than mere beasts.

This is not ok.

Are you calling my faithful companions mindless?!

On topic: I have no interest in taming dragons, honestly.

We got sooo many pets we can tame. I say no to dragons and more balance in the pets we have so that we dont just have one good pet (clefthoof/scalebeast)
There are soooo many more looks out there not used, cows/bulls, insects, more rodents rats/mice/bunnies/hamsters, more types of birds and so on.

We dont need dragons, we need so all the wonderful pets outthere are usefull again and not just one BIS pet

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Mindless as in operates on instincts rather than cognative reasoning.

I’m sure Dodger and Logrey are positively delightful!

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Even though I personally don’t use the BIS pets, I wholeheartedly agree!

Whelps are basically potatoes at this point.
The amount of whelps that world of warcraft community has killed, is definitly more then we have ever saved.
And whatever comes to whelps intelligence, im pretty sure that aimlessly flying around in one spot in northrend or eastern kingdom, you probably don’t have allot of inteligence behind those ears or just being used as canonfoder by your own mother.

So hunter literally using a whelp, as an companion, isn’t the most farest off thing, remember, We already have whelps as battle pets, whatever moral nonsense you have in your vegan brain, wouldn’t fit this narrative at all, since we have already broken like every moral code in the existence.
So, just add whelps at tameables, for the sense of making the game fun.

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at the time 5:07 you can see some of the dragon riding mount personalisations, i think these will be the tameable “Dragon beasts”.
tho the idea is cool, mby if they add a tome that needs to be found/dropped it would make sense, but it would be even cooler if there is one in a library or something and u need to pick it up. kinda funny XD

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