Dragonmaw Orc Question

Hello, I would like to make a Dragonmaw Orc and I’m not sure if I should make a baseline Orc or a Mag’har. I saw that most of them nowadays have grey skin and yellow eyes; why is this if they came to Azeroth with the original green orcs, and have had green skin until Cataclysm? Is it okay if I play a green Dragonmaw Orc in RP, or does that break immersion?

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There is no given reason for the change to grey skin and glowing eyes. If I had to guess, it was to visually differentiate between standard orcs and this new faction of orcs in Cataclysm.

If you play a green Dragonmaw, there is a heightened chance of some characters and players going “why don’t they look like other Dragonmaw,” with only the most stringent lore lovers causing a fuss over it. For the most part though, I think that you’d be alright.


If going green Dragonmaw, I’d make sure to go with the yellowish green all the Dragonmaw NPCs had prior to Cataclysm. I think technically the green Dragonmaw were retconned out of existence, but I’d accept it.

Greenskin can always be excused by history with fel
doesn’t have to be you who did it, your parents could have been to close to fel.
I don’t think the dragonmaw discriminate more than other orcs against green orcs.


This, really. Although being a rare sight, both Garneg Charskull and Koak from the Strength of Steel short story are different shades of green skin so you should be good.

If you do end up making a Dragonmaw character, regardless of the skin colour, then feel free to reach out; the amount of Dragonmaw characters is sloooowly growing in numbers and it’d be great to get some cultural events rolling again, like back in 2019!

If you plan to play a Dragonmaw, doing the Orc Heritage quest on a character might very worth it because the current state of the Dragonmaw is addressed in it.

After their decades of trampling their own reputation time and time again, Dragonmaw are currently treated as the scum of society that other clans (and Horde at large) despise and distrust. It’s so bad that Dragonmaw themselves aren’t sure if they belong in the Horde. While they are nominally still part of it, they’ve distanced themselves in shame and are suspicious when they get invited to the new Kosh’harg believing it to be a trap to wipe them out once and for all.

But by the end of the Kosh’harg, their place in orc society is renewed with a second chance to redeem themselves, and the new Chieftain Gorfax declares that their dragon enslaving and hunting days have to come to an end and they need to create a new identity worthy of preserving. As things stand their clan honour and pride is non-existent and their name is treated almost like a curse.

What that new identity will be, we don’t quite know yet, but it leaves plenty of room for meaningful RP to explore your second chance and what kind of a legacy your character wants to build. The pair of Dragonmaw characters in Dragonflight were a good introspection on this.


The main theory is that, after inhabiting Grim Batol, the darkness there caused the Dragonmaw that inhabited the fortress there to turn gray while those that lived outside did not, like how residing in Blackrock Mountain turned the Blackrock and Black Tooth Grin clans grey, while still not being mag’har.

It would be delightful to roleplay alongside other Dragonmaw! Do the other Dragonmaw players you know use Mag’har or base Orc for their character customization?

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