In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Dragonmaw in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Name: Zazomag
Race: Female Gnome
Class: Mage
Guild: Pink Panthers (or The Pink Panthers)
Friend of the druid Zakuya (I think I got the name correct).
I was hoping to see if I recognize any other names, maybe meet an old guildmate. Or maybe someone recognize me.
My mage had pink pigtail dot hair.
Name: Zenxia
Race: Male Night Elf
Class: Hunter
I don’t recall guild names nor names of friends, but if you recognize me, hit me up!
Name: Astelliar, Night Elf (F), Priest
Guild: Dies Irae
Characters: Any, but specifically “Ntx”
I was an angry teenager at the time and spontaneously D/Ed my AQ40 gear and quit the game. A few days later I wanted to come back, but the GMs demanded I pay loads of gold. Ntx was generous enough to lend me that gold. I was dead poor and never managed to pay it all back to him. So Ntx, if you’re reading this: I owe you, like, a lot! Despite my dumb behaviour you helped me get back into the game and I never had the chance to pay you back.
Name: Deathmastor
Race: Male Human
Class: Warrior
Guild: D N D (and the one that came before it)
Looking for quite a few of lovely people: Darkmaster, Rotejanis, Deathtalon, Janeway, Baijenfis, Grovskjul (probably butchered that), Syramannen and YOU - I only forgot your name. 
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Name: Leany
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Pretty sure i only got to level cap in WotLK since i kept playing a MMO “alone” instead of playing with friends as intended 
Name: Dione
Race: Night Elf
Class: Huntard
Guild: Ghost
Guild 2: Omen
If you were part of Ghost, and we’ve lost touch, even if we don’t end up playing, would love to get back in touch. I’m probably going to look at playing something somewhere but will likely run out of steam within a month.
But I would love to reconnect. You know who you are.
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• Damon, Human Paladin
• “Disconnected” Guild and “Blood and Tears” Guild
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with:
Sliv, Maldivia, Zerutha, Cornson, Dkpriest, Malthrus, Hitch, Gorgoyle, Mangochutney, Dragonslayer, Hacistein, Neslee, Powerman, Nightfury, Lyestor, Mauru, Abdhul, or any other friend who will remember me!
Maybe some of you guys will reconnect! ;d
Name: Asmodeon
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Guild: pinK
Looking for any old guildies or friends of pinK. We are returning to classic on Pyrewood Village.
Name: Sindra
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Guild: Omen
Looking for all my old guildmates, the Brits and the Swedes and anyone else that enjoyed wasting time in 40-man raids. Also looking for anyone that used to grind out the battlegrounds, both Horde and Alliance. Would be nice to catch up whether we end up playing or not so if you know me lemme know!
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We’re still quite a few active ex-Omen players on Frostmane, most of them in the guild Goa Gubbar 
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Name: Xunil
Race: Male Dwarf
Class: Priest
Guild: DND
Guildies: Voxel, Yurdin, Gothiatek, Screamerca, Primage…….
Yo, few of us are in Muppets on frostmane, think we’re rolling on Shazzrah 
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Remember Manara from your CS days? 
Name: Landard
Race: Male Human
Class: Warrior
Guild: pinK
Just interested to see who is still floating around. Would love to hear from Farnia and Padders.
I remember you manny, Ikaris was your priest iirc
As it’s most fun to play with as many oldschoolers as possible, is it an idea to make an overview of server picks?
i made a poll and will post it on both Alliance as well as Horde threads on Dragonmaw and Frostmane.
Hereby the poll: https://
(Remove space after // as links are apparently not permitted haha)
See you ingame!
Been a while 
Tried to find all the old names of the ppl from Disconnected and finally someone wrote here. Are you going to play Classic?