Dragonwrath Acquisition Rate Adjustments -- Updated 4 Nov

Added to the OP:

UPDATED November 4

We’ve heard your feedback loud and clear! We’re happy that you’re excited about the recent changes to 10-player Dragonwrath acquisition rates and we want to address those who prioritize 25-player groups. We’re are increasing the acquisition rates of all quest materials in 25 Normal and Heroic difficulties:

  • During a 12-week period, a 25-player group killing all 7 bosses in Firelands each week can expect to fully assemble 7.5-11.25 Legendary Dragonwrath staves.
  • During the same 12-week period, a 10-player group killing all 7 bosses can expect to fully assemble 3-4.5 Legendary staves.
  • Acquisition rates in 25-player raids are now approximately 2.5x faster than those of 10-player raids.
  • The updated acquisition rates previously mentioned for 10 player raids are the same.
  • We’re adding a second guaranteed mount, the Smoldering Egg of Millagazor, to 25-Heroic Ragnaros.