Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest drop rate is wrong


I’m not posting to feed the eternal debate between which is harder between 10 and 25 man but i’m want to take a in-depth look to the legendary staff acquisition rate.

Let’s sum it up before diving into basic maths :

  • Questline is split in 3 parts that are equals in duration.
  • Once the first player has completed the first gathering stage he can start the second stage meanwhile a second player can start the first gathering stage at his turn.

So, if we do some basics maths, the rate of DTR completion will be :

First Staff = full duration
Second staff = 1 stage duration after the first one
Third staff = 1 stage duration after the second one and so on…

Now we expect that completion rate for 25 m is twice faster than 10 man, but when we dive into numbers we see it’s really not it :
(let’s supposed we are on medium RNG with people having their gathering stage completed with medium duration, so no extra luck or poor luck here)

In 25 man first staff is completed week 5
Then, 1 staff will pop every 1.5 week (2 staff every 3 weeks)

In 10 man the first staff is completed week 11
Then 1 staff every 3,5 week (2 staff every 7 weeks)

That means, week 11 when a 10 man party complete their first staff, 25 man will already have 5 staves completed. After this, every 1 staff completed in 10 man will count for 2 in 25 man so when 10 man complete their second staff, 25 mans will have 7 staves. We can see that beyond the first staff the 1 for 2 rate between 10 and 25 is respected.

As you can see, the problem in 10 man is that the first staff takes way too long to complete compared to 25 man creating a huge gap between 1st 10 man completion and 1st 25 man completion.

I’ve heard people talking about “If 10 man complete staff faster, 25 man will just make a 3 x10 man split weekly”.
Let’s be honest this will never happen excepted from top world guild that are pushing performance to their best. 3 x10 man require way much time to play, it require to have 3 x 10 man roster with 6 tank 6 healers and balanced dps comp for raid buff, and beyond that i think that people who choose to play in 25 man will stay in 25 because they appreciate the format and won’t make a 3 x 10 man just to get a legendary staff like 1 week faster.

How can we improve the 10 man quality of life without breaking the balance :

I think that the first staff in 10 man should take way less time to complete, but the second staff in 10 man should take a bit more time to balance the thing and dont make 10 man too OP. Something in 10 man like :

Full time completion 9-12 weeks → 7-8 weeks
Above first staff completion 3-4 weeks → 4-5 weeks

We would get in week completion on 20 IDs :

Currently staff completion : week 11 → 14.5 → 18 → 21.5
With change : week 7.5 → 11.5 → 16 → 20.5

The point here is not to specially increase the number of staves in 10 man, but allow 10 man caster to have their staff a bit earlier and a more consistent way. The problem isn’t the amount it’s the rythm.
If we unlock our first staff week 11 in 10 man it’s over, what’s the point to get your staff on your 11th reclean of the phase the hype and motivation is gone for a long time.

Since the legendary quest is split in 3 stages you can easily tweak the numbers to make it possible, making 10 man, the format that 50% of the population is running, finally viable.


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