In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Drak’thul in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
hey guys anybody who will play again? looking for old CZ/SK folks from Drakthul. i was in guild Legion de Muerte and my name was Etnisu. contact me anytime here we are recruiting again to our guild.
Tatrahidron I was en but ended up on the cz server xD was in guild RTF and The chosen
Hello guys I played with my buddies Glagar, Bastule, Matyldik in a guild called Dread Knights And later in MYTHIC. My main was orc warrior Fins. If anybody wants to play with me, contact me after launch or PM me. Czech player here. I’ll be rolling orc warrior again ofc.
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My name that time was Couler (resto tauren shaman) My guild was MossTroopers, Stones, Andílci and some less importatnt ones.
I am just here for to see where the major CZ/SK community will play.
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Its Lovedmg (Troll/Mage)
I clearly don’t remember much names, but finding “Highbinder” would be cool.
Ok so at tuesday 13, you can reserve your name and choose realm. Anybody knows where the czech comunity from DT is gonna go? Eu pvp servers are Golemagg, shazarahh. Let me know. Thanks.
Name: Improstor
Guilds: M Y T H
Just looking if anyone may be playing again ,)
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Hi, I played a mage Werthuzad in DreadKnights back then.
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I played warrior Rockerka/Ziell.
Also had Warlock Zie.
In guilds Dead Can Dance, Mor Do Kuli, Casuals and Immune.
I will play again on Golemagg under name Rocker.
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Hi, there was poll on website called WoWfan where people decided to play on Golemagg.
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I was alliance and I remember Suddenly (ele sham) from AB. I hated that guy 
Herbicid, Undead, Warlock
I was Plan B Guild Lead then we merge with M Y T H for raids
I would like to hear from Tauren Warrior Dakka, who was player from Spain and we shared some great moments on the LVL 50 - 60 
Looking for girl-only-friend. 24 male here, pm me in-game 
Quart, Troll Warrior
Guilds: Zdechliny, Casuals
Looking for a raid guild!
Hi all,
My main was a Horde druid named Juvusj i played in Obscurum.
I used to gank and play alot of PVP
Anyways i am going to play on Firemaw
Hey Juvusj,
I was in Obscurum and Initum for a while as well (Quart, Troll War). I think it was some time around AQ40 + Naxx.
Do you know if anyone else from these guilds will be playing?
For some reason,
I can’t edit previous post.
So anyways, I remember people from Obscurum/Initium before they migrated to Twisting Nether.
Would love to play with these people in a guild! 
- Orc Warlock ROCKERKA, @Golemagg