Draw in blitz while we won fair n square?!

Blitz is working as intented right?! Right?.. hmm lets take a look together here.

h t t p s://imgur.com/a/4g0KuJe

So, while we won fair n square with my team in solo blitz… the game decided to just say to us “add french and piano word here” and gave us a draw… while even stevie wonder can see that WE WON ON THE POINTS ABOVE…

  • Mmr not working at all, winning a team of 1950mmr gives +5 or +10 while im 1400 cr…
  • the very next game i play its a team of 1300mmr i win i get + 152 (true story)

Is there any chance those going to be fixed?

Because yea… obv not only me but ev1 that was in that blitz got demotivated to even que and play further, if thats how you get treated by this broken system.
Peace out.


Game is still in the beta stages, They use to hire people to test and fix wow before release but then realized that its much cheaper to just release busted and untested :poop: Then just patch it after customer feedback

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