Drcathyr in Khaz Algar?

Are there Any Dracthtyr NPC’s in Khaz Algar? I mean, will they still be relevant to the story or will they disappear from New lore like the Demon Hunter Class?

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They are likely to get the DK, Monk, and DH treatments. Aka, not being the main focus point anymore. They’re a tiny part of the bigger world.


Unlike DH and DK , Drakthyr entered with High Expectations and fulfilled nothing . They should really get something in the next addons . Especially considering they are a whole race and not a class like DK and DH .

DK’s entered with the expectation to kill the lich king . They went and did it .
DH’s entered with the expectation to save the world and destroy the Burning Legion . And amazingly they pulled it off .
Drakthyr entered with the expectation to be so dangerous that they had to be locked away for 10000 years . That they would play a pivotal role in the destiny and future of Azeroth , and their potential was limitless . So they went … and played with frogs . Learned to do fishing and tailoring . Thought us about diversity and understanding by being confused all the time and stuck in human/elf form . And of course had Nothing to do with the Final Raid and what was the cap stone of the expansion . The Drakthyr peaked in Abberus and that was that .

If they don’t give them any more content and story , they will be the most shallow and useless race added . Especially considering that people expected to get a BEEFY dragon race , but instead got a bunch of iguanas with wings .


Have they really? I thought it’s just another fanservice for the furry/scalies community. I think it isn’t far fetched to say that it was to be expected.

This isn’t even true. Deathwing locked them away, because they’d oppose his plans.

At least Pandaren fans can feel a bit better now, knowing that there’s a race which got hit worse.

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Also… I don’t much care about the sunk cost here. If they didn’t have something interesting for them in the addon that was about their home they just aren’t interesting. Seems to me they made a mistake in the creation of their story. Compounding the error by trying to fix it in addons that aren’t about them would just make it worse, in my eyes.

I mean, I won’t begrudge them a racial questline where it fits, or some heritage stuff in the future, like all the other races get. But their buildup? Their moment to shine above all others? That is wasted and gone. Yes, it’s a bit pitiful, but that is what it is.

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