So who is all on the bucket list of people that will die. If I had to make a suggestion it would go like this:
- Astalor because he enslaved the Naaru.
- Rommath because he was rude to the alliance.
- Lor’themar because he rejected the offer to rejoin the alliance.
- Thatelan Bloodwatcher because he has a daughter next in line to fit his place.
Survivors will be:
- Halduron because Vereesa needs a new love interest.
- Valeera gets alliance plot armor as she is loyal to Anduin and Stormwind
- Aethas because he sucks up to Jaina.
The future of the blood elf cast is grim and dire I say.
It would be really mistake to kill off this many charachters, specially while they havent rised up any new blood to take the mantle’s for the story. But i dont know really what to expect when the priorities are completly different with the writing team
Horde characters always die. They don’t have any plot armor just like GOT characters.
Killing off Rommath would be enough for me.
God, I’m already dreading the elf addon… As if some of that bunch wasn’t always in the spotlight anyways… Killing a few dozen will hardly make a dent…
Can’t wait to kill of Thalyssra too!
The more blood and nightborne elves die, the better!
We can replace them with high, void and night elves!
Vereesa Windrunner as Queen of Quel’thalas,
Mordent Evenshade as the Archmage of the Magisters,
Alleria Windrunner as the Ranger-General of the Farstriders (renamed the Voidstriders), Shandris Feathermoon will lead a contigent of Sentinels to show the Voidstriders how it’s done!
Arator Windrunner can become the Highlord of the Blood Knight Order, leading them into becoming a chapter of the Order of the Silver Hand (Alliance)!
We gotta repaint Silvermoon into purple or blue too, tho!
Get the Heck out of here filthy alliance fanboy.
For being mean to Umbric? Cope harder.
Thats one of the reasons why horde is in such a mess. They killed many important charachters and never pulled any one to take the mantle but truthfully it feels like they can’t write any good charachters that werent already established
I would be severly dissapointed if they don’t touch at all the reasons why blood elfs started to hate alliance and specially humans in the midnight. Humans were so racist towards elfs at one point eventhough being allies.
Tradgedy deaths with no emotional payoffs are a horde only thing really. That is why the Khadagar and Magni were fakeouts.
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And storywise it means exctintion so they would have to really hard try to add something to fix it. In GoT it works cause there was so many different groups and families thats lines died off. But when you do an opposing faction for alliance and then you kill all the major players and dont bring up anything new just doesnt work
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Also comes to mind of blood elfs, they should have made kael’thas the leader and not making him full on villain his story and charachteristics would have fit so well for the horde
We agree here on this indeed. But it is too late now. They treat the Horde like Game of Thrones and the Alliance like Disney. that is the facts we have to deal with.
Rommath is a good candidate imho. He’s famous but not too much, so he’s the perfect victim. Lorthemar would be too much I think
If they kill anyone it should be Halduron.
If he doesn’t get killed I suspect he will get the Gen/Jaina/Tyrande treatment. Alliance get a diffrent voice lines where he insults/distrusts us. After we help him with some quests, he suddenly understand that only by working together we defeat the enemy, were not that bad as he thinks, and started to be friendly towards us.
Maybe they’ll just destroy Silvermoon to tell us that they are serious and we find out that Rommath isn’t actually dead during the max level campaign. You know, for variety’s sake. And I hear characters are more important than places, so it wouldn’t be as big a loss! 
my guy I can fully ensure you now that I rather see Silvermoon destroyed before it can be shared with the alliance. As long as all important blood elf NPCs are save I really don’t care.
Oh, we can do both. We can destroy it AND create a shared hub there afterwards!