DreamSurge Portal not showing up at The Azure Span

You can’t do quest weekly for Dreamsurge, no red portal up!


There is no dreamsurge portal showing up on map also i been looking all over The Azure span the only portal is walking dreamsurge portals at 58.78 45.29 But no Main portal anythere to be seen


Yep, third one in a row thats bugged out for me.
Also Dragon Bane Keep not starting (needed for weekly)
they’ve screwed something bad.

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Yep, third one in a row thats bugged out for me.
Also Dragon Bane Keep not starting (needed for weekly)
they’ve screwed something bad

Yep the portals are bugged but the Weekly quest doesn’t require you to do portals at least. You just need 100 Dreamsurge Coalescence which you can get from any WQ in the zone and just by flying around.

Seems to working on AD fine. It only runs every 2 hours and it is often completed by players within 15 minutes of it starting… leaving a 1 hour and 45 minute window before the next one starts. It’s easy to miss it if you are not there at the start time.

Glad I am not alone, popped to Azure Span, picked up and do the quest for the 100 coalescence, but the portal doesn’t seem to spawn, been 2 misses so far … :thinking:

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There’s no sign of it on Doomhammer either

Ditto on Aerie Peak. Another well tested feature.

Same on AD, the big portal has been highly inconsistent today, sometimes spawning, often not. Small portals are bugged (as usual it seems…? unfortunately).

No portal just now, Argent Dawn EU.

no show on silvermoon wm off at 07.30

The portal has showed up only once since reset on early Wednesday on Silvermoon. Elites still show stars on the map even after they are killed once for the day.

I have not seen any blue post about this so I do not know if this is being looked into.

Seems to be an issue on both sides of the pond

Not seen it listed as a known issue yet but I did do an in game bug report.

Hello there,

Thanks for the reports everyone!

A hotfix has been deployed for this, but will need realm restarts or some additional manual work to activate, for which we don’t currently have an ETA.


Normally you guys don’t have any issues making a rolling restart or hotfix stuff. So why don’t you have an ETA for a problem that has been here for 2 days??

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19.34 the portal on EU Silvermoon showed up some elite dogs came out and the firebirds but no elite rares and at 49% it just disappeared like it was fading out.

But what about small red portals? I don’t remember seeing anything happen around them outside of 2-3 random non elites before the bug out. Not just this week.

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