Drinking Macro/AddOn

Hey there

I would like to have a macro which makes me consume the right consumable (and no others), when executed.

Basically, when in the Arena it should do: Conjured Manna Biscuit > Star’s Tears
and everywhere else: Conjured Manna Biscuit > Purified Draenic Water

If I make a macro which uses all consumables with /use it will consume a biscuit and a drink. (Because the biscuit will not trigger the GCD of drinks.)

I have tried the addons AutoDrink and Buffet however they fail to select the right consumable in the arena and attempt to use PDW rather than the ST.

Do you know a working solution to this?

You can use /stopmacro to stop execution when specific conditions are met, such as being in an arena. This allows you to make sure only Star’s Tears is consumed and not Purified Draenic Water while in arena matches.

/use [@arena1, exists] Star’s Tears
/stopmacro [@arena1, exists]
/use Purified Draenic Water

edit: Though I didn’t test it, this shorter form should also work:

/use [@arena1, exists] Star’s Tears
/use [@arena1, noexists] Purified Draenic Water

I did not know the @arena# conditional. Is there some documentation what it exactly does? Does it work in Classic?

Unfortately, your macro does not involve the CMB. Just adding it at the beginning would cause both a biscuit and a drink to be consumed. :confused:
In the end, it does the same as:

/use Purified Draenic Water
/use Star’s Tears

(Outside of the arena, the PDW triggers the GCD on drinks and ST is not consumed. Inside an arena, PDW cannot be consumed and only the ST is consumed.)

However, I need to test if [@arena1, exists] works with the AutoDrink command. If it does, I could do this:

/AutoDrink [@arena1, exists] Conjured Manna Biscuit, Star’s Tears
/AutoDrink [@arena1, noexists] Conjured Manna Biscuit, Purified Draenic Water

Thank you already. :slight_smile:

Can be further simplified to a single line

/use [@arena1, exists] Star's Tears; Purified Draenic Water

If it works with AD.

/AutoDrink [@arena1, exists] Conjured Manna Biscuit, Star's Tears; Conjured Manna Biscuit, Purified Draenic Water

@arenaN tests against arena enemy N.

AutoDrink does indeed work with conditionals. (I tried this with [@Pet, exists] )

This is the makro I came up with:

/AutoDrink [@arena1, exists] Conjured Manna Biscuit, Conjured Glacier Water, Star’s Tears; Conjured Manna Biscuit, Conjured Glacier Water, Purified Draenic Water
/click AutoDrink

However, it seems the [@arena1, exists] conditional does not work well for this purpose as most of the time it will be false eventhough I am in the arena.

Is there another conditional which can be applied to check whether I am in the arena?


I found the solution to it.

/AutoDrink Conjured Manna Biscuit, Conjured Glacier Water, Purified Draenic Water
/click AutoDrink
/AutoDrink Conjured Manna Biscuit, Conjured Glacier Water, Star’s Tears
/click AutoDrink
/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide() C_Timer.After(0, function() UIErrorsFrame:Clear() UIErrorsFrame:Show() end)

(As the version above is too long, I replaced the items with their IDs but they are both the same.)

/AutoDrink item:34062, item:22018, item:27860
/click AutoDrink
/AutoDrink item:34062, item:22018, item:32453
/click AutoDrink
/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide() C_Timer.After(0, function() UIErrorsFrame:Clear() UIErrorsFrame:Show() end)

If I have biscuits:
Both AutoDrink commands will select the biscuits. The first one will trigger the GCD of food and the second one will not be consumed due to the GCD. This happens inside and outside the arena.

If I do not have biscuits:
outside the arena: The first AutoDrink command will select the PDW and trigger the GCD of drinks. The second AutoDrink command will select the ST however it will not be consumed due to the GCD.
inside the arena: The first AutoDrink command will select the PDW however it cannot be consumed inside the arena. The second AutoDrink command will select the ST which will then be consumed.

The only shortcoming of this solution is that inside the arena when I do not have biscuits, the (greyed out) icon and tooltip of the GWD will be shown rather than the ones of he ST. This is acceptable though.

I hope this will help others who have the same question!

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