Hello first of all i wanna say that you guys are doing nice work lately. Stuff like fully customizable talents at any time ,dragonriding,catalyst,crafting revamp,upgrade system i think hit the point and people like it hovewer there is still room to improvement and we shouldnt settle on what we have. So for exmaple lets talk about drop system in parcticular in m+. Many people would agree that drop system is heavly rng oriented and sometimes you can do a lot of dungeons and still not get the item u want but instead drop the item you already have for few times. I do bealive that fully deterministic game is not a great game and thats not what i will suggest here hovewer reducing that rng aspect by some ammount might be a great improvement to the game. Right now in m+ at the end of the dungeon 2 people of the group of 5 are being rewarded with the item so on average you are getting 1 item every 3 dungeons however you have no control whatsoever what that item is gonna be because it can be the item you already have or the item you dont want for some reason
My first suggestion is to make it so whenever you are the person that is rewarded with the item at the end of the dungeon there should be option to choose 1 item from lets say 2-3 options something simillar to great vault but lets not forget that items that drop from dungeons are not best in slot because they have lower ilvl than items from great vault so i do not think that its some game breaking change its rather nice quality of life change that i think people would enjoy
Another suggestion is to make it so items that you already have will be less likely to drop again by some number for example 60% so people that want sockets or additional stats on items they already have will be able to still drop that items hovewer items they dont have will have priority to drop which i think is better for most of the players and obviously if u have all items from that dungeon then there will be no difference.
If u guys feel like players will gain power to quickly because of that then there are ways to offset that somewhere else.
I ve said that from mythic plus player perspective so i cant tell if that is something that should be implemented in the raids and other aspects of the game but thats something for you guys to discuss. Cheers