Dropping Herbalism

So,I made some mistakes investing those knowledge points in my Herbalism proffesion and it seems I have no other choise but to drop it and level it up again.
My question is the following and I’m hoping someone has tried this already:
Do you know there are some treasures scatered all over the place that give knowledge points,a one time deal. If I drop Herbalism (or whatever proff you have tried this) and I try to level it up again do I get to find those treasures again or they are a one time deal per character type of thing ? Anyone has an idea about this particular issue ?

I read on wowhead that if you have already used those treasures you won’t find them again after re-picking profession.

That would be in line with the fact that you cannot reset spent knowledge points.

Yeah,it makes sense to be this way… I guess i’ll just have to make an alt
Edited: Thank you for your input, guys.

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