[Druid event] - Emerald Assembly - 02/03


Brothers and sisters of the wild. The Emerald Assembly calls upon you once more to gather and see what news comes from all around Azeroth. Let us gather and see what we can once more do to aid our home.


Date: 02/03/2024

20:00 - 20:15: Opening, “introductions” and start of discussions
21:00 - 21:15: Little break
21:15 - 22:00: Continued discussion

If there is nothing left to discuss, the event will naturally end at the end of the discussion.

Potential topic:

Akulé has something planned for the Druids of Azeroth, stay tuned.
I also hope once more that people will bring in their own ideas, situation to discuss around.

Should this not happen, I always have topics I could bring forth.


Akulé Foresthorn & Meladriss Moonclaw


Desolace - Karnum’s Glade

OOC Details:

Hey Argent Dawn, time for a new Assembly. The meeting is open for every Druid that supports the greater good of Azeroth. I will say that, those who end up being hostile will be asked to leave and if not, might result in getting sent away by force. I do not mind banter, but creating a violent & warlike event is not what I am striving for.

I do however have rules, as I do not want this to become a powerhouse club where characters start to command others around. It is a meeting where every character can have their say. I thus hope for a respectful environment OOC and nobody starts to bash on each other because of IC actions/ideas.


Thank you Meladriss for organising this :smiley:

As well as the Emerald Enclave Discord community we put together a cross faction in game community also, to help facilitate cross faction rp here; Emerald Enclave community.

Feel free to join if you’d like to :smiley:


A very interesting event without a doubt, after attending the ceremony organized in Amirdrassil last week, which was amazing ! It is a shame it is the same weekend than the Lunar Festival so I’ll have to wait for the next episode to tag along. Can’t wait !


Aah so it is, we will discuss a new date then. Thank you for reminding me!


Date has been amended :smiley:

Hopefully we’ll see many of you in the lunar celebrations!


Ho ! What an amazing news ! I’ll put it right in my calendar then.


A gentle bump and reminder this is in 9 days :smiley: (2nd March):

I’ve also since found out the old link for the Emerald Enclave had expired, so here’s a new one:

Thank you to everyone who joined on the Emerald Enclave event tonight. You were all amazing :green_heart:


Tonight is the night!

8pm ST, Karnums Glade, open to all Druids :smiley:


Looking forward to this today! I hope I make it on time!!

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What a lovely meet up :smiley:

Was amazing to see everyone <3

Those interested in what I mentioned tonight I’ll pop onto the discord community. I know Meladriss has something also he wants to put on too.

Hopefully see you all next time! o7


Summary of the Fourth (some would argue Fifth or Sixth) Emerald Assembly, Karnum’s Glade, 3rd Night of the 3rd Moon.


  • Our gracious hosts, Shan’do Meladriss and Master Foresthorn, decrees decorum: nobody is to speak without the designated talking stick in hand. Pouts of disappointment were seen in the audience when it was chosen in favour over a peace pipe.
    *Meladriss recalls previous discourse on Amirdrassil and Gilneas, contemplating how we might extend our aid to both endeavours now that they have both reached the prime of their regrowth.

Maritime Matters (Speaker: Aeythr M.M Elwick)

  • The Thornspeakers of Kul Tiras raise concern over the disturbances wrought by the infuriatingly stubborn Druids of the Flame along the sea lanes to Bel’ameth. They solicit assistance and issue a word of caution to travelers meaning to navigate the perilous waters.

Awakening the Ancients (Speaker: Nifre)

  • Nifre shares the uplifting news of ancients, once believed fallen and lost, stirring from slumber and flourishing anew. Among them, an Oakbark, whose acorn has been discovered and cultivated.
  • A call to action and encouragement for all to heed the summons and embark on a voyage to Amirdrassil to witness these marvels firsthand and offer their aid. Nifre magnanimously pledges to provide everybody with the necessary tools for the journey.

Duties of the Druid (Speaker: Akulé)

  • The Shu’halo wishes to remind his peers that a druid’s duties transcends mere custodianship; it is about nurturing the seeds of wisdom within others.
  • His people honour the Earth Mother by imparting ancient wisdom to those who foster harmony amidst discord. Guiding the growth of friends and family is not just a responsibility; it is a sacred bond.
  • He offers a sobering reminder that previous disjointed efforts among the assembly’s peoples are not the most effective means to achieve any goals. Misunderstanding of each other’s customs and deities has sown confusion and discord.
  • Learn from one another, cultivate understanding, respect and reverence not only for those blessed by the Wild Gods or Loa, but for all who seek out the path of druidism.
  • Uphold the legacy of balance and champion unity among all druids. Lead by example. Gather under the banner of Balance to exchange knowledge.
  • Master Foresthorn invites those who wish to partake in this heartwarming endeavour to add their names to the list he has prepared within the inn.

Assembly Locations (Speakers: Arcan, Morningtide)

  • Eager participants already look forward to the next assembly, keen to discuss its venue before this one has even ended. Arcan advocates for the Root-Bound Sanctuary within Amirdrassil, while Morningtide opposes, deeming it unsuitable. Other suggestions, such as Thunder Bluff, are dismissed due to accessibility concerns, possibly due to the dangerous elevator, but more because the Kaldorei and Kul Tirans would not be welcomed into the city.
  • With Amirdrassil finally able to stand tall on its own, other locations facing more urgent challenges should take precedence.

Plea for Guidance (Speaker: Arithiea):

  • Arithiea, a fledgling druid, confides with the assembly that her magic has been tainted by death and requests guidance before she begins to cause harm. This humble, unbelievably beautiful scribe can only begin to speculate on the implications, but urges for a handsome Shan’do to take her beneath their wing post-haste. Beithelyn suggests they be a Kul Tiran Thornspeaker while Rynia bristles in the background, quietly voicing her displeasure that the forum is being used for personal problems.

Post-Peace Predicament (Speakers: Meladriss, Nifre, Rynia, Rethion)

  • Shan’do Moonclaw proffers a query to the crowd: with the age of strife coming to an end, how are they all embracing this new epoch of peace?
  • Nifre is swift to dismiss the notion of her sitting on her hands, counting leaves in the laurels of victory. She advocates for concentrating efforts in the tainted lands across the world, such as Felwood and the Plaguelands, while offering a stern reminder to the crowd that druids are not glorified landscapers.
  • Nifre advocates initiatives for learning and intellectual pursuit, while preserving ancient knowledge, perhaps through the establishment of a new library.
  • Rynia urges attendees to reflect on the tumultuous events of the past two decades, emphasizing the importance of learning from history. Record the impact of past conflicts and the lessons they hold for future generations.
  • Rethion lauds the virtues of the Dreamgrove in Val’sharah as a repository of druidic knowledge and wisdom, adamant that is the place where students and teachers can find one another.

Library: The Hot Topic (Speakers: Multiple)

  • The proposal to establish a new library garners widespread approval from the crowd.

Appetizers (Speaker: Cythirion Winterblossom)

  • Cythirion masks his bottomless appetite with a heartwarming oration about self-improvement, subtly leading us into a pressing question aimed at our hosts: where’s the food at this event?!*
  • Arcan saves the evening by generously offering to cater for the next assembly.

The Horde (Speaker Aji’ika)

  • Aji’ika of the Darkspear Tribe extends a gracious invitation to the assembly, offering to share the rich cultural heritage and knowledge of the Horde, highlighting the differences in storytelling traditions and approach to honouring deities.
  • She voices her concerns about Bel’ameth serving as the meeting place and repository for all druidic knowledge, citing safety concerns for members of the Horde, particulary the young and inexperienced druids among them.

Gilneas (Speaker: Teagan Rowanoak)

  • Teagan describes the devastation that has befallen Gilneas since its reclamation and the ruins left in the wake of conflict, with the land scarred by the actions of the Forsaken and the Scarlet Crusade. She expresses a concern for the wilds, now ravaged and damaged, and her hesitation to step into the Blackwald due to the threats of lingering magics, urging the assembly not to forget the plight of Gilneas and to work towards its restoration.

Mystery of the Druids (Speaker: Rethion)

  • Rethion acknowledges the importance of safeguarding some sensitive secrets from the Horde, fearing that they may be abused if shared freely.

Uncouth Outburst (Oaf: Yurion)

  • Yurion proceeds to hurt the unassuming scribe’s feelings and lambast our hosts with abuse, spewing curses too venomous to record.

The Blackwald (Speaker: Akulé)

  • Akulé sheds more light on the challenges and exploitation in the Blackwald. It is not only curses and revenants that haunt the land; it’s also blighted by the avarice of mortals. Goblins exploit the region’s past, using fear to drive away natives from their homes, allowing them to mine for precious minerals in their absence.

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