[Druid event] - Emerald Assembly - 29/06


Brothers and sisters of the wild. The Emerald Assembly calls upon you once more to gather and see what news comes from all around Azeroth. Let us gather and see what we can once more do to aid our home.


Date: 29/06/2024


Felwood, Whisperwind Grove

20:00 - 20:15: Opening
20:15 - 21:00: What has happened since the Last Assembly? News & Concerning matters
21:00 - 21:15: Little break
21:15 - 22:00: Open discussion about topics brought up

If there is nothing left to discuss, the Assembly might end sooner.

OOC Details:

Hey Argent Dawn, time for a new Assembly. The meeting is open for every Druid that supports the greater good of Azeroth. I will say that, those who end up being hostile will be asked to leave and if not, might result in getting sent away by force. I do not mind banter, but creating a violent & warlike event is not what I am striving for.

I do however have rules, as I do not want this to become a powerhouse club where characters start to command others around. It is a meeting where every character can have their say.
Should this not happen, I always have topics I could bring forth.ope for a respectful environment OOC and nobody starts to bash on each other because of IC actions/ideas.


Giving this a bump for good measure. Definitely showing up!


wow I almost missed this, let me make a note in my calendar.

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A little bit more than a week and the next Assembly will take place.


Been meaning to dust off this character again, and this looks like the opportune moment! Will try to make it if I can!


Tomorrow it is happening! The Next Assembly will be hosted within Felwood at the Whisperwind Grove.


Summary of the Sixth (some would argue Seventh or Eight, but I hold the protocol) Emerald Assembly, Whisperwind Grove, 29th Night of the 6th Moon.


The Assembly opened smoothly and without incident(!) Shan’do Meladriss declared that the forum be divided into two parts: one devoted to the discussion of past assemblies, and the second half dedicated to new issues.

In Memoriam (Speaker: Naeyas)

Naeyas shared news of a Syltharion Sagethorn’s departure into the Dream with no intention of returning. Sagethorn was an Elder and Custodian of the Twilight Grove in Duskwood and will be succeeded by his student Jaethrin Moonwhisper. The remaining guardians seek to continue his legacy by inviting promising disciples to join them, with teachers of the Claw and Talon ready to take on new apprentices.

Word from Silithus (Speaker: Tessaemay)

Miss L-M reiterated the tale of Nerubian incursions into Silithus and announced that the campaign to thwart their invasion was a success. The threat has been dealt with, but the region needs to be monitored for stragglers and renewed activity.

She explained that the spiderkin had been digging tunnels to the surface with the goal of abducting certain individuals. Unfortunately, none of their leaders lived long enough to be interrogated and shed light on the many questions that remain in the wake of the attack. Any answers revealed in the following investigation will be brought to future assemblies.

Thornspeaker Briarmouth added that they were practicing shadow magic and loved to experiment, which is (almost) never a good sign.

The Loathsome Bear Hater (Speaker: Ilrenya)

Ilrenya Rakeclaw provided an update about the disillusioned druid who had plagued the worldwide bear population with his own blend of corrupting magic in a misguided pursuit of vengeance against the Twin Bears themselves. The unloved scoundrel has been apprehended and put to sleep in Moonglade, where he now awaits his fate. Most of the totems he erected to act as pylons for his magic have been torn down, yet some may yet linger and ought to be destroyed on sight.

Hearing Voices (Speaker: Lanaria Silverthorn)

Several people claim to hear voices, or songs, and share tales of being granted enigmatic visions. There seems to be no rule, rhyme or reason as to whom these peculiar omens are bestowed upon, as they come from all walks of life. The source remains unknown, though witnesses describe feeling a deeply personal, almost transcending connection to the world itself. The phenomenon appears to be widespread, as several members of the assembly stepped forward to speak about their encounters with these individuals. Unfortunately, the exact details of their experiences were lost when my quill turned rogue and destroyed half of the page.

Tassaryl Gilderthorn (was) volunteered to investigate its effects on the balance of nature and determine if the issue should be treated as a concern for the Circle. Silverthorn, Andreleth, Aeythr and Naeyas all pledged their support for the endeavour.

Vulpines Welcome (Speaker: Luuso)

Luuso, with the politest flair I’ve recorded in this meeting thus far, inquired about places where she would be welcome to hone her abilities.

The aforementioned successor of the late Sagethorn quickly extended his warm welcome to the inclusive Twilight Grove, where she would not be judged for her lineage.

Looking for Teacher (Speaker: Erica Clapton)

The unfortunate demise of Erica’s Shan’do has left her without teacher. She follows the path of Avianna and the Talon and now seeks someone to take her under their wing. If you’re looking for a shy, bumbling student she may just be the one for you.

Something Fishy (Speaker: Fandaar)

Fandaar, a Druid of the Fin, noted strange occurrences among the aquatic life near Amirdrassil. Schools of fish migrate in unexpected patterns, as if driven away by an unknown influence. Possible factors raised by the assembly include naga, recent attacks by Druids of the Flame, and the fact that the world tree remains so very new to the world, bringing with it energies from the Dream that might not be fully understood. Investigations will continue, with suggestions to search the shallows of nearby islets and monitor the balance of the ecosystem. Fynlysia elaborated on the behaviour of fish more familiar to her in Ashenvale, pondering if it could be the result of a spawning season that Fandaar has witnessed. He answered that the behaviour has persisted for longer than it should, however, but confirmed that he would not entirely rule out the possibility.

Boutique (Speaker: Nifre)

In an unofficial commercial break, Keeper Nifre wishes to draw customers to her Dalaran-based stall, the Verdant Dryad. It offers a variety of arms, tools, and charms for all your balance-keeping needs.

Too Much Recruitment (Speaker: Rynia)

Rynia Vineweaver voiced her displeasure over the staggering number of assembly members using their quarter in the limelight to either recruit or try to be recruited. Rather than hold up the entire meeting, she suggested they do their headhunting before or after the assembly. Her bold statement was immediately followed by a young, illiterate druid requesting to be taught how to read.


A big thank you to Meladriss for hosting this meeting (and to Scythois for the summary!). It was really fun to see so many different kinds of druids, all in one place!

Looking forward to the next one!


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