[Druid event] - Emerald Assembly - 29/06


Brothers and sisters of the wild. The Emerald Assembly calls upon you once more to gather and see what news comes from all around Azeroth. Let us gather and see what we can once more do to aid our home.


Date: 29/06/2024


Felwood, Whisperwind Grove

20:00 - 20:15: Opening
20:15 - 21:00: What has happened since the Last Assembly? News & Concerning matters
21:00 - 21:15: Little break
21:15 - 22:00: Open discussion about topics brought up

If there is nothing left to discuss, the Assembly might end sooner.

OOC Details:

Hey Argent Dawn, time for a new Assembly. The meeting is open for every Druid that supports the greater good of Azeroth. I will say that, those who end up being hostile will be asked to leave and if not, might result in getting sent away by force. I do not mind banter, but creating a violent & warlike event is not what I am striving for.

I do however have rules, as I do not want this to become a powerhouse club where characters start to command others around. It is a meeting where every character can have their say.
Should this not happen, I always have topics I could bring forth.ope for a respectful environment OOC and nobody starts to bash on each other because of IC actions/ideas.


Giving this a bump for good measure. Definitely showing up!

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wow I almost missed this, let me make a note in my calendar.