So, my main dudu has a weird bug in a travel form and trying to jump out of water.
She just can’t do that, transform to the bird for a split second and then falls back to aquatic form. When I swim and jump out of the water (to be transformed to a bird on the ground), she can’t skyride, flies in an ‘old’ way but has an ability to dash forward, recharge vigor and use whirling surge.
Re-entering travel form fixes this issue.
I have tried to do the same stuff on my zandalari druid as well as another night elf druid and am able to freely fly out of water.
Doesn’t matter if I use different flight form/aquatic form skins, doesn’t matter if I use static charge spell or whirling surge.
I have a video on YT of this but I’m not sure whether it is acceptable to send it here bypassing restrictions.
An assortment of similar bugs was present for all druids around expansion launch and I have no idea why you may be experiencing the problem again, but on a specific character only.
Was the character created during mop remix? I’ve had worse problems with my druid where the flight form would travel slower than walking speed so I ended up deleting the character out of frustration because the devs didn’t know what to do about it.
As for your video, put the link in quotes or preformatted text (5th and 6th icon on the tab above the text box).
like so
Nope, this char was created in 2020 or so.
there’s the link
I’m trying to recall anything unusual that was triggered on TWW launch but I genuinely can’t.
Will try to test on PTR with the ‘copied’ version of this char but I bet it’ll be fine…
Your problem is something entirely new. As I have previously mentioned, at some point while the game was bugged for all the druids, crawling out of the water onto a flat surface would trigger shapeshift as expected and switch you from dynamic to static flying BUT while your flight actionbar wouldn’t revert to default buttons, you would be unable to press them. Shifting out and back would auto revert you to dynamic mode of flying.
In the video you are utilizing dynamic speed boost with static hover without switching modes.
So while you’re gliding, do you lose all momentum immediately after releasing forward movement key?
This definitely deserves some attention.
Hey there Práisethesún,
Thanks for the report and video!
We’ve had an open bug related to this for some time, but not been able to identify the underlying issue just yet.
If you didn’t already, please make sure you also submit an in-game bug report from the affected character with any observations or details you think may be relevant.
Thanks again for taking the time!
Thank you, will do right away!
I think that the answer to your question is yes
What’s even funnier is that spells set your vertical view angle to 0, so if you were flying towards the sky or floor and pressed Whirling Surge/Surge Forward then you would do that move in a parralel line to the floor plane (better explained visually nearly the end of that video)