While I could write an entire paper about how I think druid forms could be handled, I’ll stick to one.
When the art team get to create stuff for druids, would it be possible to unify style/appearnce across the different forms? By this I mean that, for instance, you added the Runebear appearnce but I for one am not a fan of the more upright “ware-bear” model for my bear, but I do like the theme that the Runebear uses - a wooden appearnce. I would have loved to have had a chance to have this style but as a more tradisional bear form.
Equally, I’d like to see all styles like this apply to all forms - so again, using Runebear model as an example - why not a Runekin? A moonkin in the same wooden style? And Cat, and maybe include travel forms.
It is very frustrating after so long to have so little options for something us druids identify with and spend a ton of time in game as, I know and am grateful for the additions in this clearly heavy druid-sentric patch, but I’d dearly like to not have to wait another 20 years for such a druid focused patch to come around again before attention shifts back to our forms with more options thereof.