Druid help/harm macro depending on form?


I’m not very handy with macros, but I’ve been unable to find one that does what I want - and I’m uncertain if it’s even possible. I’m currently using a standard help/harm macro for Rejuvenation/Wrath, but I was wondering if it is possible to alter the harm spell in a macro to be dependent on which shapeshift form I’m in? So it would cast rejuv on friendly mousover/target, but then wrath on enemy mouseover/target in no form/moonkin, shred on enemy mouseover/target in cat form, and mangle on enemy mouseover/target in bear form?

Is it at all possible to create a macro that does this? And does this even make any sense …? Hope someone can help <3

This is what I’m currently using:

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] rejuvenation; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] moonfire; rejuvenation

It is possible to do that, there’s the [form:N] conditional, where N is the index of the form (1 is bear, 2 is cat, etc. As they appear on your stance bar.)

But it’s a bit long-winded, and annoying to write. I’d use Clique for mouseover healing, different bars for caster form & shapeshift forms, and just use simple mouseover/target macros there for damage.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Rejuvenation; [form:1,harm] Mangle; [form:2,harm] Shred; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Moonfire; Rejuvenation

No point setting up mouseover support for the two melee abilities so it shortens things.

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