Druid legion Artifacts

Hey guys, When I try and t-mog my one handed mace into the legion artifact’s, it will only let me let me change to boomkin specific legion skins, when I change to resto I can only have the resto one’s. If I use a staff I can use what I want Boomkin or Resto regardless of spec, Is this a bug or working as intended

Are you doing that by opening the Artifact Weapon tab or the One Hand Mace tab? Because now the artifacts also show in their weapon specific tab, and there is where you can mog them regardless of spec.

I use the t-mog mount, click on my wep, then I get 3 options in the drop down window. One handed maces, fist wepons and Legion artifacts. If I go into Legion artifacts I can only see the spec ones.

I cant see where else to change my weapon, that being said if I use a staff evetything is fine, just not if I use a main hand and off hand it even changes apperance when I change spec o_0.

You can only use transmogs from artifacts for other specs if you use the same exact weapon type, in this case staff.

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That sadly isn’t true or am misunderstanding you, I CAN t-mog my one handed mace into a staff as long as its a legion artifact, what I can not do is t-mog my one handed mace into a staff of say Resto if am boomkin, that’s what am say is that a bug or not. as i have been told I can use ALL my legion artifacts skins.

Ah so that’s what you want? It wasn’t explicit, or I didn’t get it at first.

So let me get this right, what you wanna do is mog a 1H Mace into a staff from other specs?
Ok, that should be possibe but there is a trick to it. My Pala has the 1H in Prot mogged into Ashbringer, so it is possible, here’s how you do it:

  • Step one: Change into the spec of the Artifact Weapon you want the mog, let’s say Boomkin staff, so change to Boomkin;

  • Step two: Open the transmog menu, select the weapon and choose the Boomkin staff you want to mog, but don’t click Apply, select only the look you want but don’t apply yet;

  • Step Three: Without closing the transmog menu change spec to the one you desire, let’s say Feral for the sake of example;

  • Step Four: Now that you changed to the desired spec you can click on the Apply button.

Congratz, you just mogged your 1H weapon into a 2H.

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Nice one mate, that worked out goto be quick tho xD thanks alot for this I might put in a bug report just in case tho

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You can transmog a mace only into artifact weapon for you spec. You can transmog staff into any artifact staff for your class regardless of spec.

Nope. You can do it both ways, intended or not you can with the method I shared above.

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