Druid LF guild for Undermined

Hey there, im currently on the hunt for a guild to prog in Undermined with, i am currently at 4/8m in NB. My main reasons for looking for a new guild are because my current guilds raid times no longer mesh well with my irl commitments. Due to said commitments i can only raid from 20:00GMT which is currently 21:00 servertime but am free most evenings after that.

If interested or would like more info then feel free to message me @
Discord: _tealeaf
B.tag: Tealeaf#21882

Hi!!! We are currently recruiting, we would love if you could check us out and let us know if we’re for you
Ravencrest Angels of Temptation - Now recruiting! 4/9 M for S2 - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

Hey there,

We’re bikini bottom, a semi-hardcore raiding guild looking to progress mythic next tier. We always need healers and would love to talk to you about joining if you’re interested!

Message me on Bnet: HighNoot#2484
or discord: walrusmaster
If you’re interested!