Druid lfg Raidguild

Hey o/

My current Guild stopped raiding and will vanish soon because our Leaders doesnt have enough Time anymore.
Because of that im currently looking for a new Home for my Druid :slight_smile:

Before starting, im currently looking for a Spot as a Healer or Tank. Boomkin or Feral only if everything else isnt aviable

What am i looking for?
Heroic clear and at least 50% Mythic(5/10 as an example) because im looking for a Challenge.
I also love to do M+ and im currently timing 18/19s mostly with randoms.

Because of my Icehockey Training im not free on Mondays and Wednesdays so perfect would be Thursday and one Day on a Weekend.

About me:
Im 29 Years young and from Switzerland. I play WoW since 2015(mid WoD) and started as a Feral Druid, switched to Healer at the End of WoD and play all four Speccs since Legion.

What did i achieve so far?
Up until now i didnt managed to get CE once. Its not that im missing the needed Skills, its more that i prefer to “lets Raid and see how far we will get” because i prefer Fun over “tryharding”.

A little List of what i achieved so far:
Legion: Nighthold 3M, ToS 6/10M, AtbT 8/11M
BfA: Uldir 4M, SoDA 4M, stopped raiding Mythic
SL: Castle Nathria 6M, SoD 9/10(almost, was sick on both Kills, otherwise 7/10), Sotfo i think 5 or 6M.

What do i bring to the Table?
As someone that plays all four Speccs activly i can hop onto Tank/Heal/Dps if needed. I also love to help others get better in M+ or just help out if needed.
Im always prepaired for raiding with Guides, enchants, Gems, Food etc.
My Hardware is good and almost no dcs(max 1 or 2 per Year).

Logs and Rio:
Rio- /characters/eu/blackhand/Abeyroq

  1. Guardian: /character/eu/blackhand/abeyroq#zone=33&spec=Guardian&class=Druid&difficulty=4
  2. Heal: /character/eu/blackhand/abeyroq#zone=31&spec=Restoration&class=Druid&difficulty=4&metric=hps
  3. Boomkin: /character/eu/blackhand/abeyroq#zone=33&spec=Balance&class=Druid&difficulty=4
  4. Feral: /character/eu/blackhand/abeyroq#spec=Feral&class=Druid&difficulty=3

If someone is interested you can add me here: SativaToast#2891

Thanks and maybe see you soon! :slight_smile:

Edit: Im willing to change Realms ofc!