Druid looking for Social / casual raid guild

Hi there!

I have recently transferred to the realm and am looking for a new home for Shadowlands. I main a druid and plan to play Balance / Resto

I am a very active player but due to work commitments can’t commit to Mythic level raiding. I have always enjoyed normal / heroic raiding and put a lot of effort into my main.

In terms of raiding, I would aim to attend as many as possible, but some I might miss due to work. I am looking for a guild who ideally raids after 7:30pm UK time (ideally 8pm)

But what’s most important to me is the community. I want to contribute and feel like I am playing in a nice friendly community where guild chat is just as active as a discord server. I have found that some guilds community is purely based around discord and that’s really not for me. I’m a bit ‘old fashioned’ and love a good chat in guild chat :slight_smile:

Hoping to find a new home out there :slight_smile: Please feel free to whisper me in game if you have any questions!

Thanks, Luce - Terokkar

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