Druid Shapeshift Macro Question

I’m trying to make a shapeshift macro for my new druid that allows me to shapeshift into Moonkin Form the first time i click the macro and into Cat Form (inside) or Travel Form (outside) on the second click, but I can’t get it to work. I have a macro that works but it’s in the wrong order. Is it even possible to do it in the order I want it in?


/cast [indoors, noswimming] Cat Form(shapeshift); [indoors, swimming] Travel Form(shapeshift); Travel Form(shapeshift);
/cast !Moonkin Form

Hi try this one out…

/cast [nostance:4] Moonkin Form
/cast [swimming][stance:4, outdoors] Travel Form
/cast [stance:4, indoors] Cat Form

As shapeshifting triggers a GCD the macro will only be able to shapeshift one time per use. In my opinion macros are much easier to read if you think of it like a priority list with a bunch of conditions. If those conditions aren’t met, the macro moves on without taking action. I’ve written the macro in what I believe is the easiest format to read and dissect. Let’s take the above line-by-line…


The macro’s first priority is to always show the tooltip of whatever the first spell (in this case form) it will use based on the conditions met.

/cast [nostance:4] Moonkin Form

Technically the second priority, this will cast Moonkin Form if you are not already in it. If you are already in Moonkin Form this line will be ignored and the macro will move on to the next. I like to have one “nostance” condition in these shapeshifting macros as it behaves like a catch all and stops you from accidently cancelling Moonkin Form.

/cast [swimming][stance:4, outdoors] Travel Form

The third priority is to switch you into travel form if you are either swimming or in Moonkin Form and outdoors. By adding the Moonkin Form condition to the outdoors condition, this will ensure the macro will switch you between Moonkin Form and Travel Form when you are outdoors.

/cast [stance:4, indoors] Cat Form

The last priority is to shapeshift into Cat Form but only if you are in Moonkin Form and indoors. Like above, by adding the Moonkin Form condition, this will ensure the macro will switch you between Moonkin Form and Cat Form when you are indoors.


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