Druid shapeshifting not removing roots/slows

I just started a druid after years and I noticed that i can’t remove the roots applied (by mage at the very least) when shapeshifting. Is this a new behavior? was is also a change back in cata classic? I don’t remember having a time when druid coudn’t shapeshift out of roots (but then again, i also have a bad memory).

Only Restro druids can shapeshift roots/slows in Cata I think

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Thanks i do see it as a speciality of the restoration spec. Wow. I hope that changes soon again.

Dont think it will get changed as I think cata was only expan, were druids shapeshifting was not a thing unless your restro

It was a cata feature. While annoying, I agree. Feral in PvP is hitting like a truck on steroids. So if you can no longer root ? Yikers.

But balance aside, I dont see it happening.

Think it was changed in mid/late MoP or something like that.

Yeah it’s boring to play feral because of this imo thats why i quit wow back in real cataclysm.

However you couldn’t outshift a mages snares/roots in wotlk anyway before you died so you dpend on dispells no matter what.

Cata was designed by an angry mage player, wait for MoP to Shapeshift out of roots again.

dash and stampeding roar frees roots on yourself tho. so use them with caution :slight_smile:

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