Council is out of Touch for some specs
we dint get anything new in this tree system. We only lose! They lied again in all interviews. They said its not pruning but its exactly this! They lost their minds!
Have you actually played those games recently mate? All of those have several useless talents. Hell Skyrim has entire useless trees.
We did. We get to play with several things together that you couldn’t before. There is also Nature’s Vigil which looks to be a huge raid cd and is entirely new.
Natier’s Vigil isn’t new, it is from MoP.
I’m a main feral druid, I really like the talent trees. My only issue is with the new trees is the pathing. Particularly the mid feral tree, where we have to take both primal wrath and brutal slash if we want to go down both sides of the tree. If there where another pathway so we had more choice on that row. So if lunar inspiration and savage roar had a pathway to the next tier, would make for more interesting builds.
One thing people haven’t said yet (I think) is that no matter how good or bad the talent trees are, they’ll be useless for feral or balance if the damage output is half that of other classes.
I was really hyped for the new talent revamp. But I’m not anymore. They will actually remove baseline abilities and make them talents. For a balance druid it feels stupid that I have to put talent points into stuff like sunfire, sunfire spread to nearby enemies, moonkin form, starfall and celestial alignment. And it feels like such a waste that I have to put points into useless conduits that made it to talents, just to get convoke. Not every talent has to be super strong, but I’m actually disappointed after playing around with a talent calculator. It just feels like its all over the place.
true ^^ and we need to give up utility with it for damage. But as we all know balance is already last in ranking and feral is okish.
Just rework Class tree and im fine with this system. Too mich behind resto/balance and nothing good for guardian or feral.
nah i dont like it
The even better questions is:
Where in all worlds do you see Soothe as a requirement for Wild Charge?
Wild Charge can be used as a shortcut to get Soothe, but Soothe can be obtained through 2 more paths.
In the new talent tree, wild charge is on a spur that’s only accessible via soothe.
Newer than this?
(I edited while you were replying.)
OMG, you’re right. We’ve all been looking at it wrong and assuming the only way to access wild charge was to go UP through the tree. It’s actually a top level talent. That changes things rather a lot.
To me it shows the following:
- Wild Charge has no prerequisites of its own except for having to spend at least 8 points.
- To be able to get Soothe you need to have one of Thick Hide, Wild Charge or Increased Healing.
So again…where exactly do you see Soothe being required to get Wild Charge?
Edit: Overlap
It also means they’re open to putting in new top level talents part way through the trees. This adds a whole new level of possibility.
Guess I’ll cross post:
With so many conduits added as talents, one can think Blizzard simply lack ideas for specs.
They just use old trash recycling it over and over again and refusing to add what people actually ask for.
Leader of the Pack has to come back for Ferals only.
Over the course of last 2 expansions Feral was stripped of anything unique or semi-unique it could bring to the group.
CR given to engi, Stamp Roar given to all druids and so on. In return we did not get anything, no Innervate.
Now things looks more dire because all druids will have access to Skull Bash which is quite funny.
Balance with double interupt, resto with interupt, why is not Solar Beam a talent in main druid tree then?
A skilled druid with macro’ed Skull Bash will be desired in groups as resto/balance yet again leaving Ferals to rot.
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