Druid tank

Cause he watched a YouTube video that said so :slight_smile:

It is not ulduar and generally people consider ferals as walking leader of pack buff

I feel the same way, decided to pickup my feral tank druid alt after a while and in UK normal I couldn’t keep aggro on 2 mobs at once, let alone 4-5 that a few pulls have. Was a complete sh*tshow to be honest.

I was thinking "maybe it gets better at mid range (as in 75 this expansion) and then at max level (80) with the gear and stats generally being higher but going from doing really well in TBC to tanking like a wet sock in Wrath was a rude awakening.

Any druid tanks here that can sh(r)ed some light on this?

Play what you want, friend. The meta game might want people to play certain specs a certain way, but I say play what you enjoy.

I played druid a fair bit back in OG Wrath and never had any issues with filling any of the roles.
I also remember the first time our guild did ICC and that our main tank was a beefy bear druid with a crazy health pool.

Maul and swipe away!

Pretty much boils down to swipe being a trap.

Its horrible at least in early gear for anything but making enough start threat to keep mobs off the healer.

Do a swipe to get initial agro, then cycle trough doing mangle and lacerate while spamming 2 target mauls. (Swing timer to help see when mauls go off is great)

Druid is the tank with the lowest threat, at least with current gear levels, but its still doable if you work twice as hard as warrior and paladin.

A nameplate addon that give you a heads up on mobs that you are about to lose threat on helps a lot.

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