I’d like to bring attention to the “Flapping” ability in the new Battleground Blitz mode, in the Twin Peaks battleground. From my experience, this ability seems to disproportionately favor the Horde side, creating an imbalance that makes it easier for Horde players to win.
As competitive PvP is most enjoyable when both sides have a fair and even playing field, I believe removing or adjusting “Flapping” would contribute to a more balanced experience for all players, regardless of faction.
Thank you for considering this request, and I hope this helps improve the mode for everyone!
I don’t know, man. It feels a bit stronger than that. If you can drop from the top over the river, it’s insanely broken. Even if any slowfall ability covers the same distance, in that map it clearly gives horde side an unfair advantage.
well, one could argue that if MW gets to the flag room with the balcony its virtually unkillable on alliance side
each map has diffferent things that can be exploited
then what, lumbermill knockbacks ?
silvershard carts with dks yoiunking half yourt eam out ?
thats kinda the game we play here…
gilneas has an unfair advantag eon alliance side, and anyone claiming otherwise is just lying or bad…
so does silvershard and deepwind
silvershard has access to berserking on the first fight easily
deepwind has reset buff on Shrine, while quarry has berserk